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05Feb2025 - 03:49 50 PM
Category :


Yako No Kaidan 夜光的階段
Code : 3361926003313
Price : MYR49.90 SGD23.70 USD19.46 RMB134.73 MYR39.92 / SGD18.96 / USD15.57 / RMB107.78
Weight :270 g
Staring :Fujiki Naohito , Kimura Yoshino , Natsukawa Yui , Watanabe Ikkei , Oginome Keiko , Takachi Noboru ,
Genre :Family / Love / Relationship ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :3
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Perniagaan Seri Anjung ,

Sayama Michio ( Fujiki Naohito ) is a young and callous hairstylist who will stop at nothing to fulfill his ambitions. Coming from an impoverished background, he suddenly becomes the darling of the salon world. He holds women who desire beauty captive and puts on several different faces when dealing with Murase Minako, the female owner of the place that he works at; Hatano Masako, a woman of leisure; and Fukuchi Fujiko, an editor of a weekly magazine to come out tops. He also gets involved with two detectives who are investigating him for a prior incident.

松本清張的原作《夜光的階梯》講述的是一位普通的理髮師一躍成為美發界寵兒的青年野心的人情懸疑劇。電視劇以美發界為舞台。追求美的女性們聚集在才華洋溢的美貌青年美發師周圍,他靈活地回應著女性的追求,只專注於自己野心的他終於站到了美發界的頂端。女性渴求的是佔有。男性為富裕及名聲而滿足。誰都想運用手段爬上這座階梯……。 飾演為實現自己野心而不擇手段的無情青年美發師·佐山道夫的是演技從嚴肅到喜劇都受到好評的藤木直人。劇中還集結了豪華的共演者,並請寫下07年秋放送的 SP《點與線》和09年2月放送的松本清張誕辰100週年特別企劃《疑惑》劇本的竹山洋氏描繪了集野心與美貌於一身的今年青年美發師的真實寫照。 今年正值松本清張誕辰100週年。以配合這一特殊年份,這部男女愛恨交錯的電視劇將把清張的野性魅力及緊湊的發展展現給眾多觀眾! 究竟佐山道夫不斷攀登的階梯前方是……。


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