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14Mar2025 - 01:32 25 PM
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JAPANESE DRAMA DVD 6 Devils of My House / Atashinchi no Danshi / 家有六子 by Muto Shogo (JD23)
Code : 9555499401636
Price : MYR49.90 SGD23.70 USD19.46 RMB134.73 MYR39.92 / SGD18.96 / USD15.57 / RMB107.78
Weight :300 g
Staring :Maki Horikita , Jun Kaname , Yoshinori Okada , Osamu Mukai , Yusuke Yamamoto , Koji Seto ,
Director :Matsuda Hidetomo , Sato Genta , Tokuichi Toshiyuki ,
Year :2009
Genre :Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
Subtitle :Chinese Simplified/简体文字 , Chinese Traditional/繁体文字 , English , Malay ,
Language :Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Audio Format :AUDIO STEREO ,
Discs :3
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Ember Power (M) Sdn Bhd ,
Producer :日本连续剧 ,

These days, the term "homeless" has taken on new meaning. There are youths referred to as "net cafe refugees", who have neither a job nor a place to live, but who find themselves hopping around internet cafes. One such refugee is a 20-year old girl named Chisato, who lost her mother at a young age due to sickness. She spent her youth trying to escape from the huge debt her father left her, and battle with the repossessors unfolded every night. However, her life changed after meeting one man named Shinzo, changing her views on the meaning "family". Shinzo comes from a rich family tracing back to the Edo period, and he adopted six good-looking sons with the hope of one becoming his successor, but all of them have strange personalities. Shinzo promises to free Chisato from her debt if she marries him and becomes the mother of his sons. However, a life with these six guys under one roof will not go smoothly.......

什么!?堀北真希变成“流浪儿” 女演员堀北真希(20岁)将主演4月开始播放的富士电视台连续剧(剧名未定,于周二晚9:00上映)在本月19日决定。饰演的角色居然是“流浪儿”!当然对于堀北真希来说是初次挑战这类角色。 本剧是完全独创的演绎了没有血缘关系的“疑似家人们”的羁绊的家庭喜剧。主人公峯田千里母亲病逝,父亲留下的1亿日元的赌债后失踪。由于时常被追债,只能流落于网吧之类的地方。但是后来,她遇到到了以结婚为条件答应代替她还债的大公司的社长,从此开始了和社长于他的6个性格古怪的帅哥养子的共同生活。


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