Kageyama is a butler working for a rich heiress, Reiko Hosho. Needed by detectives, Reiko is a novice detective that lacks a few deductive skills. Because of this, Kageyama is relied on by Reiko to help solve cases. Kageyama isn't afraid to use sharp...
Gentaro Kisaragi, a second-year student at Amanogawa High School (translates as Milky Way) who has a bad-boy image but seeks to make friends with those he meets at the school by forming a Kamen Rider Club for investigating the urban legends of the pa...
The story follows the "strongest juvenile delinquent," Oga Tatsumi, who is a first year in "Ishiyama High," a school for delinquents. The story starts as he is telling the story of how he found the baby to his best friend Furuichi Takayuki. One day w...