The story is set in a world where magical girls are not necessary any more, yet girls with the aptitude of magical girls still exist in small number. Yuzuka Hanami, the protagonist, meets a magical creature Miton, and was turned into a magi...
Komugi Yoshida is a somewhat clumsy second-year middle-school student whose strong point is her spiritedness. She performs as an idol like Kokona Saionji (her classmate and close friend) and Tsukasa Kisaragi (an idol who dresses in male clothing). Ho...
Leaving the nest to live on your own is one of the most exciting moments in a teenager's life. It's even more so if the landlord of that new apartment complex happens to be an adorable middle school student and your next door neighbor is a flirtatiou...
In the near future, the accidental release of an experimental virus causes an outbreak that changes the brain chemistry of every person in the world, allowing them to perceive extra-dimensional beings called "phantoms". In addition, some children bor...
Lux, who was a prince from the Empire that was destroyed five years ago due to the revolt, met with the princess of the new Kingdom, Lizsharte, by accidentally breaking into the bathroom of the girl’s dormitory.
"......How long are you plannin...
In an alternate universe, shoes with anti-gravity properties are invented called Grav-Shoes, which allow people to fly freely. This leads to the development of a sport known as Flying Circus, where participants race from one buoy to another...
Crimson Moon is set in Japan during the Heian period, and features fictionalized versions of many Japanese historical figures. This time, Garo is a young Japanese man named Raikou who cannot properly summon the Garo armor himself,...
The year is Post Disaster 323. More than 300 years after a great war between Earth and Outer colonies known as the "Calamity War", Mars has been successfully terraformed and colonized by humans. However even with the technological advancements, the h...