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26Apr2024 - 07:06 29 PM
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Japanese Movie: Maison de Himiko VCD 彩虹老人院
Code : JS0173
Price : MYR14.90 SGD7.08 USD5.81 RMB40.23 MYR11.92 / SGD5.66 / USD4.65 / RMB32.18
Weight :100 g
Staring :Jô Odagiri , Kou Shibasaki , Min Tanaka ,
Genre :Comedy / Love ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :Japanese ,
Discs :2
Model :VCD ,
Manufacturer :Media Way ,

" Saori never liked her gay father...But when a young man comes to tell her that Himiko is dying and that the nursing home is in danger of closing, she begins to see another dimension to his life and to his work." I have seen this movie at the Montreal Film Festival in august 2005.

The young man, Jô Odagiri, and Saori, Kou Shibasaki, are superb. Min Tanaka as Himiko gives a great performance also. The story is all about accepting different people in this case: homosexual, transvestite , old person and delinquent. The music adds to the soft and tender mood of the film. I must say that the cast in supporting roles give a touching and heartwarming performance. Though it could have been a very sad story, the director always gives a touch of hope. Mezon do Himiko is a film everyone should see. Life is not always easy , let's accept other people's difference and try to help each other. It would be a better world.

沙織的父親卑彌呼在她還小的時候,便拋棄她們母女,在一間同志酒吧當媽媽生,因此沙織非常憎恨父親。退休後,卑彌呼在海邊經營了一間老人院「Maison de Himiko」,專為老人同志提供一個住處。某日,一位年輕英俊的男士來到沙織工作的地方找她,告訴她卑彌呼的癌病已經到了末期,希望沙織可以到「Maison de Himiko」幫忙。原來這位男士正是她爸爸的戀人春彥。急需金錢周轉的沙織,在無可奈何之外唯有到老人院工作。在老人院中,步向死亡的卑彌呼、深愛著卑彌呼的春彥,以及對父親充滿恨意的沙織,三人的關係慢慢地產生了微妙的變化…

《Maison de Himiko》由《老友狗狗》的導演犬童一心執導,本片以愛為主題,內容涉及同志之間的親情、愛情和友情,雖然題材沉重,可是犬童一心卻以輕鬆的手法拍攝出一部會讓人感到溫馨的電影。本片中的主角春彥和沙織,分別由日本兩位新生代實力派演員小田切讓和柴崎幸飾演,兩人在戲中大鬥演技,擦出全新的火花。而卑彌呼則是由以《黃昏清兵衛》奪得日本奧斯卡最佳男配角的田中泯擔演。

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