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13Mar2025 - 04:36 23 AM
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JAPANESE MOVIE The Laughing Policeman / Warau Keikan / 笑警官 by Haruki Kadokawa (JM33)
Code : 9528200050959
Price : MYR16.90 SGD8.03 USD6.59 RMB45.63 MYR13.52 / SGD6.42 / USD5.27 / RMB36.50
Weight :230 g
Staring :Nao Omori , Yasuko Matsuyuki , Hiroyuki Miyasako , Shugo Oshinari , Yukijiro Hotaru ,
Director :Haruki Kadokawa ,
Year :2009
Genre :Comedy / Love , Detective / Action , Others ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Audio Format :AUDIO STEREO ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD5 ,
Manufacturer :Perniagaan Impian Seni ,

The Laughing Policeman is set in Sapporo and starts with the discovery of a policewoman’s body in a safe house. The place is well known for being used by cops for various activities and immediately the dead cop’s ex-lover Sgt Suguru Tsukui (Hiroyuki Miyasako) is suspected. Oddly, senior officials order him to be shot on sight - which just seems disproportionate to many of Tsukui’s colleagues. The fact that there are rumours of a cop having agreed to testify against police corruption and expose secret bank accounts used by the police to launder money seems to add to suspicions that Tsukui has been set up. So a group of his colleagues start an investigation into the murder to try and clear Tsukui’s name.


   北海道警方高层涉嫌串通一气伪造发票,获取调查费以饱私囊。北海道警察本部对此矢口否认。为了查明真相,政府组织了“百条委员会”,将找在职警官作证,向警察内部的腐败现象开刀。委员会的会议定于10月23日上午10点召开,谁料在此之前发生了一起警官被害的凶案。    22日上午,大通警署的町田和岩井在接获通告后赶到札幌市内的一所公寓。死者是北海道警方生活安全企划科所属的木村朝美巡查,推测死亡时间为21日夜间11点30分,被害人是被勒死的,双手还铐着北海道警方的手铐。

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