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13Mar2025 - 05:00 30 AM
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JAPANESE MOVIE Confessions / Kokuhaku / 告白 by Tetsuya Nakashima (JM06)
Code : 9528200050942
Price : MYR16.90 SGD8.03 USD6.59 RMB45.63 MYR13.52 / SGD6.42 / USD5.27 / RMB36.50
Weight :230 g
Staring :松隆子 , 冈田将生 , 木村佳乃 , 西井幸人 , Takako Matsu , Masaki Okada , Yoshino Kimura , Mana Ashida ,
Director :Tetsuya Nakashima ,
Year :2010
Genre :Horror / Thriller / Science Fiction , Others ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Audio Format :AUDIO STEREO ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD5 ,
Manufacturer :Perniagaan Impian Seni ,

Yuko Moriguchi (Takako Matsu), a junior high teacher, announces she will resign. She reveals that her daughter, Manami, was killed by two pupils in her class, whom she dubs "Student A" and "Student B". Her disclosure of their behavior soon reveals their identities, but she recognizes that they will escape punishment as legal minors. Instead, she admits to injecting her dead husband's HIV contaminated blood into the milk cartons that the murderers have just drunk from. The rest of the film describes the aftermath of this event in a series of first-person narratives from the two students, Moriguchi, and others.


一所平凡的中学,1年B组即将迎来春假。不知天高地厚的学生们肆意吵闹,殊不知一场绵亘数月的风暴正向他们袭来。级任教师森口悠子(松隆子 饰)全然无视这片混乱,静静地向学生们做出最后的告白。这个单亲妈妈独自抚养着可爱的女儿(芦田爱菜 饰),然而女儿最终在游泳池中溺水身亡。警察 认定这是一起意外,森口则认定女儿死于班上两个学生之手。她不动声色地指责着犯人A和B,并宣布用自己的方式进行复仇。在此之后,森口辞去教师职务,1年B班的学生也心怀惴惴迎来了春假。新学期开始,残酷的风暴袭向了这群无知无畏的少男少女……

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