Joe is dispatched to prison for a year. There he meets pro-boxer Toru Rikiishi (Yusuke Iseya, Sukiyaki Western Django), who belongs to Yoko’s sports stable. Yoko arranges an exhibition match for the two. With coaching by Tange, who sends him a postcard everyday teaching him new moves, Joe surprises Rikiishi with a cross counter. The match results in a dramatic draw that spurs both men to stake their lives on a professional square-up once out of jail.
在東京下町每天打架過日子的矢吹丈(山下智久 飾),因故被送入少年感化院。因緣際邂逅拳擊界的新星力石徹(伊勢谷友介 飾),雖然彼此欣賞對方實力,卻因故反目成仇,終究成為宿敵。早一步踏出感化院的力石徹得到財團千金白木葉子(香里奈 飾)援助,在優厚的訓練環境底下百戰百勝,扶搖直上成為最閃耀的拳手;丈則在貧民窟大橋下的破爛練習場,與教練段平(香川照之 飾)展開二人三足的魔鬼特訓,鍛鍊充滿野性的「交叉逆擊拳」必殺技,一躍為急速竄紅的人氣拳手。