Takumi, Furuta and Sawamura are able to fight since childhood, the students are afraid of them
. After graduating from middle school, three were high school into a different, similar to dominate their respective schools. In high school, Takumi Kinugasa spike two grades higher than his negative group, the first to Bancho throne in the bag. However, there is a Great Satan school - known as the "most objectionable" City Island. City Island, owned by the school after the end of suspension, immediately gathered his men, ready to control all of the schools in the vicinity of ... ...
拓海、古田和泽村自幼很能打架,同学们都很怕他们。初中毕业后,三人分别进了不同的高中,相约要称霸 各自的学校。在衣笠高中的拓海秒杀了比他高两个年级的不良组,第一个将番长宝座收入囊中。然而,学校里还有一个大魔头——号称“最强不良”的城岛。城岛结 束停学归校后,立刻集结手下,准备控制附近所有的学校……