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14Mar2025 - 01:53 06 AM
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Kamui Gaiden 卡姆依外传
Code : 9528200050720
Price : MYR16.90 SGD8.03 USD6.59 RMB45.63 MYR13.52 / SGD6.42 / USD5.27 / RMB36.50
Weight :200 g
Staring :仲野茂 , 芦名星 , 郑伊健 , 小雪 , 森田直幸 , 土屋安娜 , 隆大介 , 松山健一 ,
Genre :Detective / Action ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Perniagaan Impian Seni ,

Kamui is a Ninja on the run from the world of Ninja bound by rules in search of true freedom. However, he is burdened with the fate, where it is not allowed to take the secret of their powers outside of the tribe -- if you are born as Ninja, you must die as Ninja. This brings him to constantly fight for his life against other Ninjas who trie to kill him and hide the secrets within. He does not trust, and he does not love. Showing weakness leads to immediate death. An incident brings him to an old fisherman's village, where he finally starts to feel trust and affection towards other people. However, his pursuers where just minutes away from setting up a huge trap on Kamui...


在十七世纪的日本,一个男孩降生于贫苦的小村。他叫卡姆依,长大后成了一名拥有坚忍意志和高超剑术的忍者。渐渐地,卡姆依开始质疑忍者世界的重重陈规与无情杀戮,他脱离了忍者集团,去追寻真正的自由,就此成了叛徒遭到追杀。曾经并肩作战的同伴大头、三云对他穷追不舍,卡姆依并不想和他们做你死我活之斗,为了生存下去只得踏上逃亡之旅。 卡姆依遇到了狡猾而本性善良的渔夫半兵卫。半兵卫把卡姆依带回了家,让他大吃一惊的是,半兵卫的妻子竟然是和他一样的逃亡忍者缒流。多年前,卡姆依曾参加过追杀缒流的行动,将她逼落悬崖。缒流固执地认为卡姆依是追兵,一直伺机要将之杀死。而半兵卫的女儿沙耶香却暗暗爱上了卡姆依。 由于遭人告密,半兵卫被藩主水谷军兵卫抓走即将处决。卡姆依和缒流冒险劫法场将他救了出来。 为了寻找新的立脚谋生之地,半兵卫一家和卡姆依驾船出海。他们在海上遭遇风暴,还遇到了鲨鱼群。危急时刻,解救他们的是传说中的猎鲨军团“渡众”。渡众的首领不动将卡姆依一行接上千石船,带着他们来到幸岛。卡姆伊起初并不信任渡众,在知道他们也是脱离集团的忍者后,才放下了戒心。他开始跟随不动与众人一起行动。同时,他与沙耶香也互通了心意。初次体会到了人与人之间温暖的卡姆依沉浸在幸福之中。然而美好的时光并不长久,追杀而来的忍者集团已然逼近……

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