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30Jan2025 - 04:20 01 AM
Category :

House Keeping (Cooking, Int Design)

美食系列31 时尚蛋糕 SEASON CAKE
Code : 9789832450313
Price : MYR20.00 SGD9.50 USD7.80 RMB54.00 MYR16.00 / SGD7.60 / USD6.24 / RMB43.20
Weight :392 g
Genre :Cooking ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Discs :0
Model :Book/书籍 ,

is categorized into 6 chapters:-is, Mousse Cakes, Butter Cakes, Cheese Cakes, Sponge Cakes, Chiffon Cakes and Swiss Roll. It consists of all the diffrent varieties of cakes, once you have this book in hand, you can save the trouble of buying six indidual cake recipe books!

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