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30Jan2025 - 04:13 45 AM
Category :

House Keeping (Cooking, Int Design)

Code : 9789832450405
Price : MYR18.00 SGD8.55 USD7.02 RMB48.60 MYR14.40 / SGD6.84 / USD5.62 / RMB38.88
Weight :390 g
Genre :Cooking ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Discs :0
Model :Book/书籍 ,

There is a variety of biscuits on the market. But if you have to do it yourself, all it takes is skill; from stirring, forming shapes to putting them in an oven. So, seeing by yourself those biscuits taken out from the oven and they smell great, one's heart is filling with joy and satisfaction. This edition contains 50 sorts of biscuits. All of them are delicately made and it's easy to do so; for making biscuits starts with baking. You will find that even making them at home, you won't make a mess of it.

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