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05Feb2025 - 07:54 39 PM
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DVD Beauty's Rival in Palace 美人心计 Episode 1 - 40 End China Drama
Code : 9555186809301
Price : MYR79.90 SGD37.95 USD31.16 RMB215.73 MYR63.92 / SGD30.36 / USD24.93 / RMB172.58
Weight :400 g
Staring :林心如 , 陈键锋 , 严宽 , 冯绍峰 , 陈怡蓉 , 胡杏儿 , 孙菲菲 , 何晟铭 , 王丽刊 , 罗晋 , 杨幂 ,
Director :吴锦源 , 梁欣全 , 陈国华 ,
Year :2010
Genre :Ancient Period ,
Subtitle :Chinese ,
Language :Chinese/ Mandarin ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :8
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Movie Master Distributors Sdn Bhd ,
Producer :两岸三地连续剧 ,

In early West Han Dynasty, when Du Yunxi was a child, her mother was killed in a royal conflict. Du grows up into a smart and beautiful woman, and is summoned into the palace as a maidservant. She wins the favor of Empress Dowager Lu, who marries her off to the Principality of Dai under the name Dou Yifang (Ruby Lin) in order to spy on the royal family. Dou soon falls in love with Prince Liu Heng (Sammul Chan) and helps him overcome various obstacles before ascending the Han throne as Emperor Wen. She eventually becomes the vital force behind the golden era of the Rule of Wen and Jing. But these all come at a price: she finds that the more power she gets, the more isolated she is from the people she cares the most.


西漢初年,幼年時期的竇漪房(原名雲汐),因母親捲入後宮鬥爭被追殺,導致滿門抄斬,長大後誤打誤撞被選入宮為奴成為家人子。   她設計將周美人生的兒子換給呂后的外孫女——皇后張嫣,呂后欣賞她的聰明能幹,以賜婚為名派往代國監視劉恒母子。為天下蒼生不再受苦,也為呂后能更信任她,漪房提議劉恒以修陵寢為名秘密練兵,令所有人都覺得她是禍水。只有劉恒始終相信她並封後,夫妻倆走過一個又一個難關,終於成就韆鞦大業。   母儀天下的她發現,擁有權力的同時,感情卻在漸漸流逝,她努力挽回丈夫的心,阻止兒子們互相殘殺,運用女性獨特的手法化解了一次又一次的危機,並且為西漢創立了歷史上有名的文景之治。她的名字也載入史冊,為後人所稱頌。

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