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09Mar2025 - 10:33 05 AM
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The Hidden Blade 爱
Code : 9955446622617
Price : MYR14.90 SGD7.08 USD5.81 RMB40.23 MYR11.92 / SGD5.66 / USD4.65 / RMB32.18
Weight :200 g
Genre :Comedy / Love , Detective / Action ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD5 ,
Manufacturer :Phoneix Entertainment Trading ,

During the time of change of the mid-19th Century, Yaichiro is bid farewell by his fellow samurai friends Munezo and Samon as he leaves their clan's fiefdom on the northwest coast of Japan (Unasaka) to take an important position within the shogunate in far away Edo. Munezo has lived modestly with his mother and sister Shino after his father was forced into suicide after the failure of a bridge project. Kie, a farm girl serves them as a maid in their house. As time passes, Munezo's sister marries Samon, his mother dies, Kie is married into a merchant family, and he is required to learn western methods of warfare such as the use of artillery and firearms from an official sent from Edo. Learning that Kie is ill due to abuse, he rescues her from her husband's family. Although sharing mutual affection and respect, a marriage between Munezo and Kie is still impossible due to different castes, and when he, now a bachelor, is criticized for her serving in his house, Munezo sends her back to her father's farm. After being caught in a failed political intrigue, Yaichiro is sent home in disgrace and imprisoned in solitary confinement. After Yaichiro escapes, Munezo is ordered to prove his innocence from complicity by killing his old friend, and he seeks the help of his old teacher, the sword master Kansai Toda. Although Yaichiro had been the better swordsman when they studied together, Toda entrusted the secret of the "Hidden Blade" only to Munezo. Toda now teaches him a new technique to use as he prepares to face Yaichiro, who has taken hostages in a farm house.


故事发生在日本近代历史的大变革时期--明治维新的前夕,德川幕府的黑暗统治即将走到尽头。此时,在日本的东北地区,远离国都江户的偏远小藩--海坂藩,也终于有了些隐约可辨的新时代的气息。  故事采取了倒叙的手法,与老婆籴过着平淡生活的片桐宗藏(永濑正敏饰)偶然与希惠(松隆子饰)重逢街头,心绪繁芜,感慨万千。  3年前,宗藏与母亲片桐吟(倍赏千惠子饰)、妹妹志乃(田畑智子饰),及家中的见习侍女--平民姑娘希惠,快乐地享受着仅30万石俸禄的贫困下级武士生活。  然而好景不长,母亲因过度操劳而憔悴成疾,不幸病故身亡。志乃嫁给了宗藏的好友--与宗藏同为海坂藩藩士的岛田左门(吉冈秀隆饰),小俩口产下一子,过得和和美美。希惠也与“伊势屋”的油商谈妥了亲事,宗藏只能默默祝福,希望她生活得幸福美满。宗藏静静目送着远去市镇的希惠,寂寞而清秀的背影,在纷纷零落的飞雪中,渐渐消失……   数月后,在遥远的江户派来的教官指导下,宗藏与其他藩士们一起,开始学习陌生的西洋武器--大炮。正值此时,宗藏从左门和志乃处听说了希惠病倒的噩耗,他不顾一切地狂奔到伊藤屋,只见容颜枯槁的希惠木然躺倒在地。宗藏震怒,于是留下一句“你最好尽快准备休书!”,便带着憔悴的希惠径自离开。  经过调养后的希惠日渐康复,宗藏家又恢复从前笑声洋溢的温馨光景。然而,一件震撼全藩的重大事件却突如其来--海坂藩江户宅地有人揭竿谋反。害怕强大的幕府追究责任的海坂藩一方面悄无声息地处决了造反者,另一方面则对叛乱的头目--狭间弥市郎(小泽征悦饰)处以极刑“入乡”,将其押至奥羽山脉的山麓小村中,关进深山老林的监牢里。  宗藏和狭间,过去都是海坂藩前任剑术导师户田宽斋(田中泯饰)门下的弟子,两人亲如兄弟。剑法上,虽然狭间稍胜一筹,但不知何故,户田导师却将独门必杀技--秘剑"鬼之爪"传授给了宗藏。宗藏遭到家臣之长堀将监(绪形拳饰)的盘问,令他供出在户田门下时,有谁与狭间关系密切。宗藏却以告密非武士之行为由,固执地缄口不语。  与此同时,宗藏将希惠带离夫家之事,遭到周围市井之辈无情地风言风语,宗藏决意将希惠送回老家,临别前带希惠去了她自儿时起就常年梦想一见的大海。值此欢乐时光,希惠终于觉察了宗藏对自己无微不至的爱慕之情,一时心潮澎湃,宛若足下的波涛,久久不能平复。  不久,弥市郎越狱逃亡,挟持人质潜藏百姓家中,继续对抗腐朽的德川幕府,大监察尾形(小林秥侍饰)命宗藏前往斩杀。迫在眉睫的新纪元已隐现眼前,幕府旧制的武士世界仍残留身边,在时代的交叉路口,宗藏迫切希望将命运掌握在自己手中……

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