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09Mar2025 - 10:44 53 AM
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Ten Years Love 十年爱
Code : 4918800001522
Price : MYR14.90 SGD7.08 USD5.81 RMB40.23 MYR11.92 / SGD5.66 / USD4.65 / RMB32.18
Weight :200 g
Staring :樱井麻里 , 末野卓磨 , 川村亜紀 , 薬師寺保栄 ,
Director :植田中 ,
Genre :Comedy / Love ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Japanese ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Phoneix Entertainment Trading ,

High School Soccer Call of Duty, commanding general Philip also failed to win an instant hero of the school to lose a friend and self-confidence. Always loved the hemp Hiroya reason, could not bear his low self-esteem, they are willing to comfort him with the body. After high school, respectively, in order to find Hiroya, Ma Li hesitate to come all the way to Shinjuku, nowhere else to go, she is forced to become prostitutes, strange combination of circumstances encounter Hiroya Friends A Hong. After an absence of ten years, Ma Li eventually re-encounter with a prostitute as the Cowboy\"s Hiroya ... first love and have been crossing a fair-weather current boyfriend, hemp reason to choose? ◎ About Video: Adapted from a famous Japanese comic Kurashina Liaoning best-selling works of the same name, \"Decade of Love\" directed by planting Tanaka is Mari Sakurai first performed in films. To nightclub theme, \"Decade of Love\" is Kurashina Liaoning Following the \"Mother Wang\" and \"Night King\" and other works by a popular erotic comic onto the screen again. Story about girls Ma Li (Sakurai Mari ornaments), Fall in love with boys in high school, Hiroya (Sueno Zhuo grinding accessories), after graduation in order to Shinjuku to find him, and prostitution, in the tangled relationship between the physical and emotional, the spent Lost decade. 高中足球賽決勝時刻,主將弘也未能獲勝,學校的英雄瞬間失去朋友與自信。一直喜歡弘也的麻理,不忍心看他自暴自棄,甘願用肉體去安慰他。高中分別後,為了找弘也,麻理不惜千里迢迢到新宿,無處容身的她被迫淪為妓女,陰差陽錯邂逅弘也好友阿弘。闊別十年,麻理最終以妓女身份重遇同為牛郎的弘也… 初戀情人與曾渡患難的現任男友,麻理將如何抉擇﹖


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