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09Mar2025 - 10:49 07 AM
Category :


Samurai Zombie 铠:武士僵尸
Code : 9955446622600
Price : MYR14.90 SGD7.08 USD5.81 RMB40.23 MYR11.92 / SGD5.66 / USD4.65 / RMB32.18
Weight :200 g
Staring :吹越满 , 石田壹成 , 荻野目庆子 ,
Director :坂口拓 ,
Genre :Detective / Action , Horror / Thriller / Science Fiction ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD5 ,
Manufacturer :Phoneix Entertainment Trading ,

When a family traveling through the countryside is held captive by a group of deranged criminals, they fear that things can’t get much worse. They can. Soon enough, captives and captors alike have stumbled across the stomping grounds of an undead samurai warrior whose attitude towards outsiders is, frankly, appalling. Instead of rolling out the welcome mat and offering fresh-baked cookies, limbs are severed, heads are popped off, and this ghostly warrior’s hapless victims are transformed from human beings to shish kebabs. A rich, atmospheric horror flick, YOROI features a solid array of effective CGI and prosthetic kills that span nearly its entire running time. Rotting ghouls mercilessly stalk their prey, but while played primarily for scares, the screenplay (penned by VERSUS director Ryuhei Kitamura) knows when to lighten the doom with lashings of funky gore. Just when you think Sakaguchi has gotten too grim and gritty, someone’s head is chopped off and soars fifty feet in the air, propelled by an explosive geyser of blood. 某个四口之家开车远足,中途遭到三名强盗的袭击。凶徒劫持了这家人,驱车驶入深山之中。车子撞破铁栅栏,冲进一片禁止入内的区域。闯入者并不知道,他们已经踏上了一片禁忌之土,这里从战国时代开始就掩藏着可怕的秘密。 突然,一个身着铠甲全身溃烂的僵尸武士出现在闯入者面前。残暴的僵尸以狩猎活人的头颅为乐。当死者的血洒在地上,又一个僵尸武士冒了出来。僵尸武士们操起各种冷兵器对人们展开攻击,而它们无论被子弹击中还是被车撞飞都毫发无伤。 几个警察追踪强盗也来到了这里。人们和无敌的僵尸武士军团展开了殊死之战……


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