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15Jan2025 - 08:02 39 PM
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Haunted Samurai Tsukigami 请神容易送神难 � {神
Code : 9555499409250
Price : MYR16.90 SGD8.03 USD6.59 RMB45.63 MYR13.52 / SGD6.42 / USD5.27 / RMB36.50
Weight :200 g
Staring :妻夫木聪 , 赤井英和 , 江口洋介 , 西田敏行 , 森迫永依 , 铃木优子 , 夏木麻里 ,
Genre :Ancient Period , Comedy / Love ,
Subtitle :Chinese Simplified/简体文字 , Chinese Traditional/繁体文字 , English , Malay ,
Language :Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Ember Power (M) Sdn Bhd ,

时值幕末,日本正处于大动荡之中。别所彦四郎(妻夫木聪饰)是一名下级武士,他出身于代代为将军充当替身的家庭,从小文武双全,是出名的秀才。彦四郎身为次子无法继承家业,他入赘进了更为显赫的武士世家,深受老丈人青睐,眼看就要成为继承人,不料却遭亲戚陷害,被逐出了家门。凭神 一天,彦四郎在炒面店里遇到了昔日同窗榎本武扬,相较落魄的彦四郎,榎本如今已经当上了军舰头取。炒面店老板甚平(香川照之饰)告诉彦四郎,榎本是在参拜“三围稻荷”祠获得神佛保佑后,才有了今日的飞黄腾达。在回家的路上,醉醺醺的彦四郎跌了一跤,一抬眼竟看到了“三巡稻荷”祠,彦四郎赶忙许愿祈祷,于是附身神降临了!然而一字之差竟引来大祸——彦四郎招来的是一群瘟神,从此,穷神、病神、死神附到了彦四郎身上。   原本就不走运的彦四郎就此厄运连连。起初,他想尽办法摆脱这帮灾星,屡次失败之后,他接受了自己的命运。而三个附身神的心境倒发生了变化,竟然变成了彦四郎的朋友。   这场变故让彦四郎领悟到人生的意义,他做出了一个重大的决定。此时,榎本武扬和胜海舟前来邀请彦四郎入伙,一同建设新日本。在前方等待着彦四郎的是福?还是祸?! Low-ranking samurai Hikoshiro Bessho (Tsumabuki Satoshi) is hardworking, educated, and skilled in swordfighting, but as a second son, he gets nothing. He marries into another samurai family, but jealous relatives conspire to have him kicked out of the household. With nowhere to turn, he can only board with his less-than-pleased brother and sister-in-law. Already down in the pits, Hikoshiro encounters a former classmate who has since risen in the ranks, having found success after praying at a certain shrine. A drunken Hikoshiro decides to try his luck at a run-down shrine, and ends up attracting the attentions of the Gods of Poverty (Nishida Toshiyuki), Pestilence (Akai Hidekazu), and Death (Morisako Ei).


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