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12Mar2025 - 07:25 22 PM
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Chrome Shelled Regios 钢壳都市雷吉欧斯 Vol.1-24End DVD
Code : 9555329103105
Price : MYR79.90 SGD37.95 USD31.16 RMB215.73 MYR63.92 / SGD30.36 / USD24.93 / RMB172.58
Weight :380 g
Genre :Boy Series Animation , Others ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Japanese ,
Discs :3
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :VBG Network Sdn Bhd ,

In the distant future, a polluted world has been overtaken by havoc-wreaking creatures called filth monsters. Humanity, having been forced to relocate itself, must live in isolated mobile cities called Regios. A mysteriously skilled fighter named Layfon Alseif enrolls in the Academy city of Zuellni and is immediately noticed by Nina Antalk, leader of the 17th Military Arts Unit. He then reluctantly joins her squad, uncertain of what future awaits him and his new teammates within the city as well as the impending dangers in the midst of a plagued world.

在遥远的时间尽头,世界受到大规模污染之后,大地被新的主宰污染兽所占领,将人类逼至濒临灭绝的窘境。幸存的人类在远古炼金术师遗留下的自律型移动都市中生活。这些移动都市各自拥有自己独立意识及功能,有专属交通的都市也有专属教育类的学院都市。   赌上各自的存亡,都市与都市之间被操控着进行战争。还有能够覆盖天地的巨大怪物“污染兽”群。少年少女们为了保护自己的都市,使用超能力“刭”不断进行战斗。   故事就发生于无数都市中的其中一个学院都市洁尔尼,在新生入学仪式上,由两个敌对都市的学生引发的骚乱险些造成踩踏事故;在混乱之中,来自于枪壳都市古莲达的普通教育系新生雷弗救下了一名少女。由此,被学生会长以学费全免为条件由一般教育系转入了武技系,并被招入了刚成立不久的都市护卫第十七小队中。


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