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23Jan2025 - 03:51 31 AM
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Code : 9528200050522
Price : MYR16.90 SGD8.03 USD6.59 RMB45.63 MYR13.52 / SGD6.42 / USD5.27 / RMB36.50
Weight :200 g
Genre :Ancient Period , Comedy / Love ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Japanese ,
Discs :1
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Perniagaan Impian Seni ,

Grave of the Fireflies opens on an evening in 1945, after Japan's surrender at the end of World War II; and in a train station, the young Seita dies alone. The rest of the movie tells us, in flashback, how things have come to this. Seita and Setsuko are two young Japanese children growing up in the waning days of World War II. Much to Seita's pride, their father is in the Japanese navy, and they live fairly content lives in Kobe despite rationing and the other privations of war. When their mother dies from burns suffered during an American fire-bombing raid, a distant aunt takes them in -- and conflict eventually forces the children to try to survive on their own. At first, Seita and his little sister enjoy their idyllic lives in the country, but harsh reality eventually settles in as Seita begins to understand the difficulties of taking care of a young child when both food and compassion are scarce.
战争后期,母亲在一次美军空袭中伤重死亡,而身为海军的父亲也已在战争中死去。14岁的诚田带着年幼的节子寄居在阿姨家。但一段时间后被阿姨视为累赘,整日对兄妹俩冷言冷语,于是兄妹两人不愿寄人篱下,就搬到湖边一个山洞居住。由于长时间的营养不足,节子的身体一天天虚弱,但身为哥哥的诚田却没有办法。最后节子在一个萤火虫满天的夜里离开了人世。不久诚田也去世了。 黑暗中节子拉着哥哥的手,快乐地吃着糖果,满天的萤火虫欢快地飞舞,仿佛在祝贺他们终于找到了幸福。


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