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05Feb2025 - 05:56 28 PM
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DVD Tantei Galileo The Movie Yougisya X No Kenshin 侦探伽利略 容疑者X之献身 (Eng Sub) Japanese Movie
Code : 3362400028815
Price : MYR16.90 SGD8.03 USD6.59 RMB45.63 MYR13.52 / SGD6.42 / USD5.27 / RMB36.50
Weight :250 g
Staring :福山雅治 , 柴崎幸 , 堤真一 , 松雪泰子 , 北村一辉 ,
Director :西谷弘 ,
Year :2008
Genre :Detective / Action , Modern ,
Subtitle :Japanese , Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Media Way Trading ,

The body of a male has been discovered, strangled to death, his face pulverized beyond recognition and fingers burned to a crisp. Assigned to the case are local precinct detective, Kaoru Utsumi, and her ex"colleague from headquarters, Shunpei Kusanagi. It turns out that the neighbor of the victim's ex"wife is a college alumnus of brilliant physicist, Manabu Yukawa, aka “Detective Galileo."He is Tetsuya Ishigami, a high school math teacher whom Yukawa personally considers a true genius. When Yukawa is brought onto help with the case by Utsumi, he begins to suspect that this “true genius"and a with whom Yukawa shares a bond of friendship as an intellectual equal is somehow connected to the murder. Elaborate bluffs, false testimonials, loopholes in logic − all begin to appear in Detective Galileo's way as if intentionally placed as a challenge by someone with mathematical brilliance.

發現了1具男性屍體,臉部被毀壞,就連手指都被燒的驗不出指紋。最後鑑定死因是勒死。經過遺物驗證的結果,查出身分是1名叫富樫慎二(長塚圭史)的無業男子。 貝塚北警察署的刑警 內海薰(柴崎幸),與內海的前輩 總廳刑警的草薙俊平(北村一輝)一起偵辦這起殺人事件的搜查行動。查出富樫有個離婚的妻子 花岡靖子(松雪泰子),並確認花岡靖子有不在場證明,知道她隔壁的鄰居和被稱作“伽利略”的物理學家 湯川學(福山雅治)及草薙他們同樣都是從帝都大學畢業。這名鄰居的名字是石神哲哉(堤真一),目前在高中當數學老師。 對湯川學說著才知道石神原來是他大學時期的朋友,湯川還說「只有我知道,他才是真正的天才」這樣評斷石神這號人物。因為接受內海的事件委託商量的湯川,對這個天才頭腦的持有者,也是以前唯一能相互理解的“好友”,是否牽涉到事件當中呢?事件的背後又是為了什麼呢...?受害者的「遺物」,被遺留下來的「線索」,像在是空中飛舞一般與嫌疑犯的不在場證明纏繞著... 這些謊言、盲點及虛張聲勢,天才數學家開始丟出難題要對「伽利略」來下挑戰!!


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