Fuji TV's detective drama "Furuhata Ninzaburo" is making its "return" as a drama special. Titled "Furuhata Chugakusei," the special features the titular hero as a junior high student, played by Hey! Say! JUMP's Ryosuke Yamada.
The original drama starred Masakazu Tamura and ran for three seasons, during 1994, 1996, and 1999. It had three special "Final" episodes in 2006.
Koki Mitani, who scripted the series, is back as the screenwriter. The story will have the young Furuhata, a 3rd-year junior high student, transferred to a school in the countryside due to family circumstances. He doesn't fit in at first, but he eventually gains a reputation as a detective and opens his own detective agency. One day, he hears about the town's legend of buried treasure, and he immediately begins unraveling the mystery.