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15Jan2025 - 07:44 37 PM
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JP-M: Samurai Musashi Miyamoto Series 宫本武藏系列
Code : 9787885727451
Price : MYR59.90 SGD28.45 USD23.36 RMB161.73 MYR47.92 / SGD22.76 / USD18.69 / RMB129.38
Weight :450 g
Staring :三船敏郎 , 三国连太郎 , 尾上玄卫门 , 鹤田浩二 , 冈田茉莉子 , 八千草薰 ,
Director :稻垣浩 ,
Genre :Ancient Period , Detective / Action ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :3
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,

Samurai 1: Hiroshi Inagaki's acclaimed Samurai Trilogy is based on the novel has been called Japan's Gone with the Wind. This sweeping sage of the legendary seventeenth-century samurai Musashi Miyamoto (powerfully portrayed by Toshiro Mifune) plays out against the turmoil of a devastating civil war. The Trilogy follows Mushashi's odyssey from unruly youth to enlightened warrior. In the first part, Musashi Miyamoto, the hero's dreams of military glory end in betrayal, defeat, and a fugitive lifestyle. But he is saved by a woman who loves him and a cunning priest who guides him to the samurai path. This installment won the 1955 Academy Award For Best Foreign Film. 三百年前,日本德川幕府与大阪城发生大战,作造及又八向往军队之生活便决定参军。大战中又八受伤甚重,两人被甲子及朱实母女收留。作造之雄风得到母女二人之欢心,但作造却严拒她们,后甲子以不获欢心便转而携女与又八私奔京都。是时宫本村已陷敌手,敌军不许作造入村,触怒作造,他便斩杀官司兵多人,逃入深山,敌军驱使村民入山搜索,大法师天庵得知作造为人善良,并与官司方商定由其处理作造。又八之未婚妻通子得知又八已毁约背盟,乃决与法师同往劝作造归来,后来法师更迫作造熟读经典,完成精神及内功之修养。三年后,作造已成为一个不可一世之剑圣,并被册封为武士,赐名“宫本武藏”。 Samurai Musashi Miyamoto Duel At Ichijoji Temple 2: Hiroshi Inagaki's acclaimed Samurai Trilogy is based on the novel has been called Japan's Gone with the Wind. This sweeping sage of the legendary seventeenth-century samurai Musashi Miyamoto (powerfully portrayed by Toshiro Mifune) plays out against the turmoil of a devastating civil war. The Trilogy (whose first part won an Academy Award) follows Musashi's odyssey from unruly youth to enlightened warrior. In the second and most violent installment, Duel at Ichijoji Temple, Musashi beats a samurai armed with a chain-and-sickle and is later set upon by eighty samurai disciples -- orchestrated by the sinister Kojiro -- while the two women who love him watch helplessly. 剑圣宫本武藏与名门吉冈武馆教头清十郎展开一场生死决斗,经过修行磨练的武藏犹如脱胎换骨,武士精神已达最高境界...... Samurai 3 Duel At Ganryu Island: Hiroshi Inagaki's acclaimed Samurai Trilogy is based on the novel has been called Japan's Gone with the Wind. This sweeping saga of the legendary seventeenth-century samurai Misashi Miyamoto (powerfully portrated by Toshiro Mifune) playsout against the turmoil of a devastaing civilwar. The Trilogy (whose first part won an Academy Award) follows Musashi's odyssey from unruly youth to enlightened warrior. In the third installment, Duel at Ganryu Island, Musashi reunites tragically with the women who love him, and battles for samurai supremace in a climactic confrontation with his lifelong nemesis. 青年武士小次郎,战无不胜,成为新剑王,于是挑战剑圣宫本武藏,究竟谁是天下第一剑......

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