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24Nov2024 - 06:19 28 PM
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JM:Dear Boys NO.1男公关 DVD
Code : 9555329225807
Price : MYR16.90 SGD8.03 USD6.59 RMB45.63 MYR13.52 / SGD6.42 / USD5.27 / RMB36.50
Weight :150 g
Staring :洼冢洋介 , Kuhaza Yousuke , 中山裕介 , Yusuke Santamaria , 冈本綾 , 阪口宪二 , Kenji Sakaguchi , モト冬树 , 江角真纪子 , Makiko Esumi , 阵内孝则 , 反町隆史 , 河村隆一 , 平田满 , 西村雅彦 ,
Genre :Comedy / Love ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Vscape Enterprise ,

At the outset of the manga the team is in trouble, as there are not enough players to play a game. Additionally, the coach has left after a conflict with Fujiwara. However, Aikawa transfers to Mizuho and through his enthusiasm and sheer love of the game, infuses the few remaining members with a sense of purpose.
Despite the fact that there are only five of them (i.e., they have no substitutes), they manage to get the coach of the girls' team to coach them as well. At first, she seems very strict, but later reveals her attachment to her "Dear Boys". Together, they do their best to make their dreams come true.The manga is not only focused on the Mizuho team, but also on several rival teams. In fact, the mangaka spends a bit of time developing the characters of other teams' members. 洋介顶着大光头,从不良少年变身为为一家人生计奔波的大哥。为了弟妹的生活,洋介饰演的龙之介瞒着大家当上了男公关。这是一部贺岁片,喜剧的调子是明显的,但是洋介的表现要远远胜过“相亲结婚”。 中山裕介、坂口宪二、河村隆一、反町隆史地倾情演出也让整个片子增色不少。

   反町隆史今年结婚之后,除了跟刘德华合作的电影「全职杀手」,以及目前正在拍摄,明年播映的NHK大河剧之外,已经许久没有演出电视剧新作,「NO.1」将是 反町隆史重返萤幕,并且跟后辈拚人气的最新演出。

荒木龙之介(漥塚洋介 饰)自从父亲过世后就一人独自抚养着弟妹,18岁起就继承了家里的事业“荒木货运”一天,他的员工把冷冻货车撞坏了,他为了两百六十万的头期款到处奔走,公司也陷入绝境...

一天,大贯(中山裕介 饰)不小心撞坏他的冰箱,他气质败坏的要找他理论,没想到确遇到了富永社长(西村雅彦 饰),从此改变了他的一生...


不过 洼塚洋介这位牛郎,可不是普通的牛郎,他将维持今夏剃成光头的新造型,展现另一种新男人味入镜, 洼塚洋介很有自信地说:「我想东京一定没有光头牛郎吧!我一定会展现另一种奇特的魅力!」

剧中, 洼塚洋介任职的牛郎店,头牌牛郎是创作歌手河村隆一,对手牛郎店的大红牌则是反町隆史,面对创作力十足、歌声阴柔的河村隆一,以及豪迈粗獷,还在日剧「麻辣教师」演过自己老师的 反町隆史,洼塚洋介还是一本初生之犊的豪情说:「不管哪一行,只要认真去做都很棒!我想我拚的不只是N0.1的演员,而是ONLYONE的演员地位。」

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