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21May2024 - 01:17 23 AM
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JM: The Dog Of Flander DVD 犬神家一族
Code : 9555329222288
Price : MYR16.90 SGD8.03 USD6.59 RMB45.63 MYR13.52 / SGD6.42 / USD5.27 / RMB36.50
Weight :100 g
Genre :Horror / Thriller / Science Fiction ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Japanese ,
Discs :1
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Lambaian Filem ,

Every day several Japanese tourists visit the cathedral of Antwerp in Flanders. In front of Rubens’ Descent from the cross they start to cry. Why? Nobody in Flanders has any idea that they are moved because of a tiny book written by Louise de La Ramée 133 years ago. In its final scene the two main characters, Nello and Patrasche, die in each other’s arms in front of the Rubens’ painting. Today this tiny book, A Dog of Flanders is taught in Japanese high schools, it is a classic in the UK and the States and has inspired numerous films and TV series in Japan and the States. The most important of them being the Japanese animated series of 1975 that counted 52 episodes and influenced the Japanese culture intensely (30 million television Japanese viewed the last episode. Many of them can still sing the series opening song, … in Dutch! )

制药业巨头信州犬身财团的创始人犬神佐兵卫与世长辞。佐兵卫有三个女儿:松子、竹子和梅子,三人各有一个儿子,本别为佐清、佐武和佐智。另外,佐兵卫恩人的孙女野野宫珠世也住在犬神家。一家人到齐后,律师宣读了佐兵卫的遗书 - 只要珠世与三个孙子中的一个结婚,就可以获得全部遗产。这顿时引起了轩然大波。佐兵卫的三个女儿起初大为不满,而在经过仔细盘算后便开始拉拢珠世。佐武和佐智争着向珠世示好,而在战争中毁容、一直带着面具的左清则无动于衷。

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