One Piece is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Eiichiro Oda. It has been serialized in Shueisha's Weekly Shōnen Jump magazine since July 19, 1997, with the chapters collected into eighty-one tankōbon volumes to date.
Shin Joon-young (Kim Woo-bin) and Noh Eul (Bae Suzy) were a couple who were separated during their teenage years due to an ill-fated relationship, but later meet each other in adulthood. Shin Joon-young is now a top actor-singer while Noh Eul is a do...
A Korean art history lecturer (Lee Young-ae) discovers the diary of a historical figure, and unravels the secret of a mysterious portrait that helps her re-discover the extraordinary life of Shin Saimdang (also played by Lee), a renowned poet-artist ...
The series begins with the execution of Gol D. Roger, a man known as the King of the Pirates (海賊王 Kaizokuō). Just before his death, Roger announces that his treasure, the One Piece (ひとつなぎの大秘宝 (ワンピース) Wan Pīsu), will be available to...
Based on a hit light novel series by Keiichi Sigsawa, the philosophical Kino's Journey employs the time-honored motif of the road trip as a vehicle for self-discovery and universal truth. Deeply meditative and cooler than zero, the series follows the...
Based on COLOPL's school action role-playing game. Set in the year 2045. The world has been contaminated by Irousu (mysterious invaders who suddenly appeared), and humans find themselves restricted and contained. Standing boldly against these invader...
Naruto: Shippuden is an anime series adapted from Part II of the Naruto mangaseries by Masashi Kishimoto. The series is directed by Hayato Date and produced by Studio Pierrot and TV Tokyo. N...
Min Soo-jin (Lee Cho-hee) is a Lotte Duty Free store employee who has never been in a relationship before. One day, she meets with the goddess of fate (Choi Ji Woo) who grants her an attempt to pick the perfect partner for her first kiss am...
The student council come across Iori Sekiguchi, a girl with telepathic ability that causesthe thoughts of people around her to be projected to others. Noticing that Iori feels burdened over causingthose around her to fight, Yuu and Nao hang out with ...
Han Mi-Mo (Jang Na-Ra), Baek Da-Jung (You Da-In), Go Dong-Mi (Yoo In-Na) and Hong Ae-Ran (Seo In-Young) were once members of idol group “Angels.”
Han Mi-Mo now works as a rep for a remarriage consulting business. She is also divorced. He...
Min Soo-jin (Lee Cho-hee) is a Lotte Duty Free store employee who has never been in a relationship before. One day, she meets with the goddess of fate (Choi Ji Woo) who grants her an attempt to pick the perfect partner for her first kiss am...
After witnessing a strange explosion, Shinnosuke Tomari is later visited by a young man claiming to be his son Eiji Tomari from the year 2035. Eiji warns Shinnosuke that a year from now, Mr. Belt's AI will go berserk and lead to the Roidmudes over...
Rena Misaki (Mizuki Yamamoto) works at a bank. She lacks self-confidence. Because of a reason, she begins working for a PR company and her boss is Kusakabe (Yusuke Yamamoto). As she struggles to work under her new boss, Rena Misaki grows as a pe...
After the sudden death of his mother, elementary school student Chihiro Komiya is left with no home and no family. But this changes when he encounters a rich and frivolous stranger who turns out to be his long-lost uncle, Madoka Takatori. Madoka offe...
An atheist Japanese salaryman, in the moment of being murdered, is confronted by a self-righteous entity he refers to as "Being X" who condemns the man for not believing that "Being X" is God and sentences him to be reborn in a world that is sim...
Meet Galko. Tall, buxom and fashionable. She's popular, and is viewed as a bit of a party girl. Although she can be sharp-tongued, she's a good person. One of her close friends is Otako, who is Galko's polar opposite. Small and frumpy, Otako likes to...
"The time of destruction is coming ever closer without a doubt. It cannot be stopped."To know death, to gaze at death, to face death.Makoto and his allies have grown through the many meetings and partings they have experienced.Their fight might not b...
Im Cheol-ryung (Hyun Bin), a specially trained North Korean investigator, cooperates with a South Korean detective Kang Jin-tae (Yoo Hae-jin) to hunt down Cha Ki-seong (Kim Joo-hyuk), the leader of an illegal North Korean organization who is hiding i...
A romantic comedy about two past acquaintances who meet again after they went through reversal fortunes and appearances.Kim Hye Jin was a very pretty girl from a rich family. After her family's publishing company went bankrupt, she experienced hardsh...