One Christmas Eve in present day Tokyo, three homeless people — Gin (ギン?), a middle-aged alcoholic, Hana (ハナ?), a trans woman and former drag queen, and Miyuki (ミユキ?), a runaway girl — discover an abandoned newborn while looking th...
Elfen Lied takes place in Kamakura, Japan, and focuses on the "Diclonius", a newly evolved species. Their appearance is similar to humans, albeit with several differences, namely horn-like protrusions on the forehead and the presence o...
Yasuhiro Nightow had gone to work selling apartments for the housing corporation Sekisui House, but struggled to keep up with his manga drawing hobby. Reassured by some successes, including a one-shot manga based on the popular video game franchise S...
Region Code: All
Picture Format: NTSC
在2100年,Bayside City是作为日本对外政策的主要中心。由一名叫Takako的前警官成立的“天使武装”的组织就设立与此。组织主要的任务是帮助国家防御部门打击恐怖势力。