Three individuals (a Super Sentai otaku, a cosplay otaku, and a closet anime otaku) are chosen by a beautiful scientist otaku to become the "Unofficial Sentai Akibaranger" and "protect Akihabara" from powerful otaku villains that only exist in thei...
Hiroshima, 2013. The reigning No. 1 gang, BEAST, is led by Danno Hidenori, while Nights, the No. 2 gang in Hiroshima, is led by Hiro.
Kiriki Tsukasa is but an ordinary high school student. Having made the acquaintance of Kawanaka Yoji, Iwami Eiji ...
Akiho Takeda (Eikura Nana) is assigned to #3 investigation team for The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. On her first day at work, a burglary takes place at a jewelry store in Shibuya. The case though is taken by the #1 investigation team wh...
Natsumura Chihiro works as a teacher in a small elementary and middle school on a remote island in Kagoshima. Students from urban areas with problems such as bullying and truancy transfer to this school and live with host families.
Makoto Kiryu (Rin Takanashi) is a young physical education teacher at a middle school. When she was a teenager, Makoto joined a motorcycle gang and dropped out of high school. A little bit later, she thought things over and changed her ways. Mako...
Restaurant Raporu is located in Sangen-Jaya, Tokyo. Since their charismatic chef and owner died, the late chef's son Masaya (Keita Machida) has taken over the restaurant, but the restaurant is near foreclosure. Masaya's sister Mineko (Rikako Sakata) ...
The heroine Hae-joo (Han Ji-hye) begins life in utter poverty. But d...
In this altered edition of Japan’s history, Oda Nobuhide never had a second son but a daughter, who is still being raised as his heir and successor. The story is based on a novel by award-winning writer Sato Kenichi, which was published in 2006...
The Hanabishi family moves into the old building "Kogure Photo Studio." The first son Eiichi (Ryunosuke Kamiki) is a 2nd year high school student. One day, a neighbor, who is also a high school student, shows him a picture. That picture was developed...
This drama is set in the streets of Shinjuku, where heinous crimes occur frequently. Shinjuku station, with its 700,000 over commuters; West Shinjuku that house all the Government buildings; the top shopping district in Japan; Kabukicho; all of these...