A remake of 1981 movie starring Yakushimaru Hiroko and a 1982 Fuji TV drama starring Harada Tomoyo. It follows the story of a female high school student who inconceivably becomes the leader of a group of gangsters. High school student Hoshi Izumi (Na...
Erai Tokoro ni Yomeide Shimatta is a comedy that focuses on a bride and her mother-in-law. In a turnaround from her role in Komyou ga Tsuji, Nakama Yukie plays Kimiko an unfeminine, sloppy wife who is a bad cook and housekeeper but is somehow mistake...
Makino Tsukushi is the only poor student at Eitoku Gakuen, the school of the ridiculously rich and privileged that is ruled by Flower 4 or F4, a group of four boys who come from extremely powerful families: Domyoji Tsukasa, the leader and heir of the...
Erai Tokoro ni Yomeide Shimatta is a comedy that focuses on a bride and her mother-in-law. In a turnaround from her role in Komyou ga Tsuji, Nakama Yukie plays Kimiko an unfeminine, sloppy wife who is a bad cook and housekeeper but is somehow mistake...
Tsukushi is a new student at Eitoku Gakuen - an exclusive school attended by rich families' children. Being poor, she is always bullied and sabotaged by her schoolmates. Things become worse when she crosses the path of F4 (a group comprises of the 4 ...
The last in a three-part adaptation of Matsumoto Seicho's works. Yonekura Ryoko plays a nurse who turns into a stalker (and murderer). In a slight deviation from the original storyline, the drama starts off with a nurse in love with a doctor, played ...
Somewhere in the vast sea of the Internet, there's a website that can only be accessed at the stroke of midnight. Known as the Jigoku Tsushin, rumor has it that if you post a grudge there, the Jigoku Shoujo will appear and drag whoever torments you i...
Horror and fantasy
What happens when an ordinary teenage daughter realizes that her loving father was merely a spiritual ghost? A horror story with a touch of love and fantasy. Originally written by the best selling novelist, Miri Ryu.
Ame is in ...
It was assumed no color films existed in Japan until the victorious U.S. forces arrived in 1945. This DVD is remarkable proof that those assumptions were verifiably false. Now you can discover the story of a nation at war from its rare color films, p...
A remake of 1981 movie starring Yakushimaru Hiroko and a 1982 Fuji TV drama starring Harada Tomoyo. It follows the story of a female high school student who inconceivably becomes the leader of a group of gangsters.
High school student Hoshi Izumi ...
This story is about four men who work in a confectionary. Tachibana Keiichiro (Shiina Kippei) is the owner; Ono Yusuke (Fujiki Naohito) is the superb baker that has a mysterious and mesmerizing aura; Kobayakawa Chikage (Abe Hiroshi) is the waiter and...
Shida Mirai, the young actress of Jyoou no Kyoushitsu fame, plays an average high school student who becomes pregnant with her lover’s child. The drama will show her gradually maturing as the circumstances around her change.
Brought up in an orphanage, Haoto, a young blind girl, was teased and discriminated against, and the only things she enjoyed were playing with a puppy at the pet shop, and playing the piano. Eve though she is blind, Haoto had an amazing talent that e...
A remake of the 2004 hit horror movie of the same name, Chakushin Ari (One Missed Call) in which the "message of death" is spread throughout the city via cellphone
The Fuji Television drama, "Dr. Coto's Clinic" takes place on the fictitious Shikina Island. The drama was actually filmed on location on the beautiful Yonaguni--one of the islands in the Yaeyama island chain.
Yonaguni Island is located some 2,030...
A special drama commemorating the 80th anniversary of NHK’s broadcasting service. The story is about two sisters who meet each other again after living separated in Japan and Brazil for 70 years. In 1934, Haru and her family emigrated from Hokkaido ...
Hikari (Kyoko Fukada) has to take care of her sick mother and two younger brothers. They are informed that their missing father has died, and later find out he left them a huge 10 million yen debt. They are a very poor family. They have no money or f...
Shida Mirai, the young actress of Jyoou no Kyoushitsu fame, plays an average high school student who becomes pregnant with her lover’s child. The drama will show her gradually maturing as the circumstances around her change. 重点私立中学的初中二年...
ideaki Takizawa in the starring role of Tatsuya, a tormented college student who was once an all-around nice guy but now seems to be balancing a gigantic grudge on his shoulder. What the grudge is has yet to be revealed, although it likely has someth...
The prefecture was the only place in the nation where there were ground battles during the Showa War. It is said that more than 2,000 local minors of both sexes were dispatched to the battlefields in the prefecture and that more than 1,000 of them di...
After living together in Hokkaido for around a year, Takumi and Aya return to Tokyo to attend Sonoko's wedding. Knowing that Aya still couldn't forget Shuichi, Takumi decides to give way and let Aya return to Hokkaido with his brother. Just when they...
A man who constantly applies the brake in his life, a woman who could do with a brake in her life They have their careers but they are both failures in love Afraid to face each other directly, Instead of focusing on feelings, they choose to focus on ...
Shida Mirai, the young actress of Jyoou no Kyoushitsu fame, plays an average high school student who becomes pregnant with her lover’s child. The drama will show her gradually maturing as the circumstances around her change. 重点私立中学的初中二�...
Due to a congenital disorder, 31-year old Otake Teruaki (Kusanagi Tsuyoshi) has the intelligence of a 10-year-old. He is also afflicted with autism. Teruaki can recite the long list of Tour de France winners or memorize the exact words of someone, bu...
It's the foundation of humans. That thing is "family."
Family relations have become weak, and it has become an era where reading articles about parents or children murdering each other are commonplace. They say that the "ties" of the good old days h...
A story of pure love between the son of a man who runs a ship repair factory beset with financial troubles and the well-bred daughter of a national jewelry chain store owner. It will be set in Yokohama. 一边是现在扩展到全国的横浜元町的大珠宝店的女儿�...
A story of pure love between the son of a man who runs a ship repair factory beset with financial troubles and the well-bred daughter of a national jewelry chain store owner. It will be set in Yokohama. 一边是现在扩展到全国的横浜元町的大珠宝店的女儿�...
The Fuji Television drama, "Dr. Coto's Clinic" takes place on the fictitious Shikina Island. The drama was actually filmed on location on the beautiful Yonaguni--one of the islands in the Yaeyama island chain.
Yonaguni Island is located some 2,030...
In another adaptation of a popular manga series, Fujiwara Norika and Yamada Yu star as two women who only fall for ne'er-do-wells. 藤原紀香(35歲)出演10月開播的朝日日劇“喜歡無賴男”。和另外一名女優山田優(22歲)一起扮演只喜歡不勞而獲、見異思遷的無�...
Alternative Title: 役者魂!
Title (romaji): Yakusha Damashii!
Also known as: At the Soul of an Actor
Episodes: 11
Plot Summary
From the writer of the Bayside Shakedown series comes the story of a female manager and an actor who will perform no...
In another adaptation of a popular manga series, Fujiwara Norika and Yamada Yu star as two women who only fall for ne'er-do-wells. 藤原紀香(35歲)出演10月開播的朝日日劇“喜歡無賴男”。和另外一名女優山田優(22歲)一起扮演只喜歡不勞而獲、見異思遷的無�...
The Fuji Television drama, "Dr. Coto's Clinic" takes place on the fictitious Shikina Island,The drama was actually filmed on location on the beautiful Yonaguni--one of the islands in the Yaeyama island chain.
Yonaguni Island is located some 2,030 ...
Four schoolboys find themselves the last virgins left at school. During the summer holidays, a girl they knew as children 11 years ago, moves back to the neighborhood. Despite their childhood attraction to her, they realize she is a mere shadow of th...
Title: イタズラなKiss
Title (romaji): Itazura na Kiss
Also known as: Teasing Kiss / Naughty Kiss
Episodes: 9
Late for a meeting, Kotoko (Sato) was running along the corridor in school and bumped into Naoki (Kashiwabara), their lips m...
Title: のだめカンタービレ
Title (romaji): Nodame Cantabile
Format: Renzoku
Episodes: 11
Based on the hit comic book by Tomoko Ninomiya, this is a fun-filled quirky romantic story of 2 very opposite people.
Megumi Noda, or “Nodame...
Due to a congenital disorder, 31-year old Otake Teruaki (Kusanagi Tsuyoshi) has the intelligence of a 10-year-old. He is also afflicted with autism. Teruaki can recite the long list of Tour de France winners or memorize the exact words of someone, bu...
Due to a congenital disorder, 31-year old Otake Teruaki (Kusanagi Tsuyoshi) has the intelligence of a 10-year-old. He is also afflicted with autism. Teruaki can recite the long list of Tour de France winners or memorize the exact words of someone, bu...
Title: 鉄板少女アカネ!!
Title (romaji): Teppan Shoujo Akane!!
Also known as: Teppan Girl
Format: Renzoku
Genre: Food / Family
Episodes: 9
Kagura Akane (Horikita Maki) is the only daughter of a family who runs a teppanyaki place in ...
Title: 鉄板少女アカネ!!
Title (romaji): Teppan Shoujo Akane!!
Also known as: Teppan Girl
Format: Renzoku
Genre: Food / Family
Episodes: 9
Kagura Akane (Horikita Maki) is the only daughter of a family who runs a teppanyaki place in ...
The Fuji Television drama, "Dr. Coto's Clinic" takes place on the fictitious Shikina Island. The drama was actually filmed on location on the beautiful Yonaguni--one of the islands in the Yaeyama island chain.
Yonaguni Island is located some 2,030...
Title: トップキャスター
Title (English): Top Caster
Also known as: Top Anchor
Genre: Family
Episodes: 11
Haruka Tsubaki hops on a plane from New York to Tokyo. She will be filling in the newscaster position on a news program that w...
A story of pure love between the son of a man who runs a ship repair factory beset with financial troubles and the well-bred daughter of a national jewelry chain store owner. It will be set in Yokohama.
It's the foundation of humans. That thing is "family."
Family relations have become weak, and it has become an era where reading articles about parents or children murdering each other are commonplace. They say that the "ties" of the good old days h...
Title: 魔女の条件
Title (romaji): Majo no Jouken
Also known as: Witch's requirement / Forbidden love
Episodes: 11
Michi, a 26 year old high school math teacher, tentatively accepts her boyfriend's proposal of marriage, uncertain of h...
In another adaptation of a popular manga series, Fujiwara Norika and Yamada Yu star as two women who only fall for ne'er-do-wells.