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24Jun2024 - 04:02 16 AM
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Japanese Drama: At The Soul of An Actor DVD 役者魂
Code : JPN0092
Price : MYR39.90 SGD18.95 USD15.56 RMB107.73 MYR31.92 / SGD15.16 / USD12.45 / RMB86.18
Weight :250 g
Genre :Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
Subtitle :Chinese , Japanese ,
Language :Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :6
Region Code :2 ,
Model :DVD ,

Alternative Title: 役者魂!
Title (romaji): Yakusha Damashii!
Also known as: At the Soul of an Actor
Episodes: 11 Plot Summary

From the writer of the Bayside Shakedown series comes the story of a female manager and an actor who will perform nothing but Shakespeare.

Karasuyama Hitomi (Matsu Takako) is a manager who works at a major talent agency. She lost her parents when she was a child. Being all alone in this world, it's her motto to enjoy life to the fullest, because you never know what tomorrow will bring. When she sees a stranger, she has the habit of daydreaming about that person's life. That's how she has fought loneliness.

In Hitomi's talent agency, there's a veteran actor whom everyone calls Sensei. Honnoji Kaizo (Fujita Makoto) appears only in Shakespeare plays. Due to both his stubbornness and selfishness, even his family finds him annoying. Thus, he is always alone.

One day Hitomi—who used to be the manager of a popular actor—is reassigned as Kaizo's manager. Meanwhile, Aikawa Mamoru (Moriyama Mirai) has come to this talent agency as an accountant. There, he meets a young talented actress by the name of Azusa Rina (Katou Rosa)...

剧情简介 每一个人都有属于自己的舞台,在那里扮演自己人生的主角。
  故事的主人公鸟山瞳美(松隆子 饰演)是日本人气明星美剑玲二(阿部力饰演)的经纪人。瞳美3岁时丧失双亲,独自一人生活。没有亲情温暖的瞳美并没有对生活失去希望,“既然人生不能事事如意,何不放松心情、轻松面对!”瞳美在人前总是一副乐天开朗的样子,只有自己一人独处时,才露出些许落寞的表情。
  这样快乐地享受孤独的并不仅是瞳美一人,和瞳美隶属同一事务所的实力派演员,莎士比亚舞台剧的最佳男主角本能寺海造(藤田诚 饰演)被受众人的尊敬、推崇。众星捧月般被尊称为“老师”的海造是个顽固、偏执的老头,远离家人的他独自品味着孤独。
  一天,瞳美被事务所经理柳泽光春(香川照之饰演)调去担任海造的经纪人。和瞳美一起工作的还有新职员相川护(森山未来 饰演)以及同属一个事务所的年轻女演员梓里奈(加藤罗沙饰演)。一次排练的时候,里奈发现在剧场的角落,有人像幽灵般躲在那里一直注视着舞台。原来,那是一对兄妹,福田樱子(川岛海荷饰演)和忠太(吉川史树饰演)。这对兄妹自称是海造的私生子。看着两个孩子孤独的表情,瞳美联想到自己的童年。她把兄妹俩带回自己家中,第二天,带着他们去观看海造的演出。习惯孤独的海造能否在亲情面前打开心扉?孤独的心又将演绎如何的舞台人生?

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