Adapted from the manga by Tadashi Agi , Tantei Gakuen Q revolves around a team of genius students studying in a detective academy run by a famous detective, Morihiko Dan. The story began in a classroom of a middle school. Our main character, Kyu, whe...
Hina, a student at Nikko High School, goes out one evening with Beniko, a girl from her year. They get split up and Hina ends up in a strange meeting with a man named Ikumi in a game arcade. The next day, Ikumi turns up as the new teacher at her scho...
Momoko Sakura is an elementary school student who likes popular idol Momoe Yamaguchi and mangas. She is often called “Chibi Maruko-Chan” due to her young age and small size. She lives together with her parents, her grandparents and her el...
This home comedy tells the story of Kyoichiro and his teenage daughter Koume. One day, the two ride a train together after visiting Kyoichiro’s mother-in-law. He sees it as a chance to get to know his daughter better, but he ends up getting more tha...
Although 23-year-old Naoko Yamada considers herself a beautiful and talented magician, she is continuously fired and constantly hounded by her landlady for the rent being late. One day as she is searching thought the newspaper for a new job, she come...
Mizuko Tanimachi has big dreams of living in Daikanyama and becoming a famous writer. In the middle of the winter, this strong-willed 26-year-old moves to Tokyo from the snowy countryside. Never doubting her ability, she keeps telling herself that if...
Synopsis : A ceremony for new employees is being held. But no one from Shomuni is present. Three months ago, Terasaki and Nonomura managed to transfer the members of Shomuni to other affiliated companies. Azusa Tokunaga (Keiko Toda) is now working as...
Synopsis : Who has ever heard of men's synchronized swimming?! Two years after the release of "Water Boys"-the mega-hit movie about high-school boys obsessed with synchronized swimming-an even hotter summer hit is about to arrive to your television s...
Synopsis: A romantic comedy about women in their 30's
For everyone who still remembers "Suteki na Kataomoi," "Tokyo Love Story," "101st Proposal," prepare yourselves for even more of those same touching moments again.
Breaking the tradition of the...
The story is about adventures of a 14year old girl named Nico Hayashiwho uses her talents of changing and altering her voice to manipulate men over the phone who want to particpate in Enjo kosai.Throught this she learns a lot about human nature,and g...
Tanaka Koki plays his first lead role in a drama series in this romantic comedy.He stars as Tanaka Ichiro ,a newly matriculated studen at Sangyo Ryutsu Daigaku ,abbreviated as "Sanryudai"(third-rate university).His dream is to meet his own"personal h...
The title of this drama, "kui TAN" is short for "kuishinbou no tantei" or "The Gluttonous Detective". The title pretty much says it all. The main character (played by Higashiyama Noriyuki from the old JOHNNY's group shounentai) is a detective who has...
Ishihara plays a new 20-year-old OL working in the apparel company of her dreams. Her father, played by Tokito, loves his daughter excessively to the point that he compels her to follow his house rules: 7:00pm curfew, no socialising with the opposite...
Based on the comedy manga bu abe shuji "Elite Yankee Saburo "tells the story of Ookochi Saburo(Ishiguro HIdeo).a plain and shy boy entering high school.Unfortunately for him,his two older brothers had built a reputation as legendary troublemakers at ...
Tamako,an elite lawyer with a promising future,works for a reputable law firm.She isre cently given an opportunity to take a case involving a young child who has been bullied at a local elementary school.Fully aware of the difficelties uncovering the...
drama adaptation of a popular comic written by Sekiya Tetsuji. Matsumoto Jun plays the overenthusiastic protagonist from Fukuoka who comes to Tokyo with the desire to become a chef. The drama will display cooking skills and the Italian language. 省吾...
After the new millennium,the public bathhouse already gradually faded out people's sight,Shan Qi Yima returned to home town "Dragon soup"and live together with father Shan Qilongr."Dragon soup"alters two floors above constructions into apartment,alth...
chir hunakoshiei plays the role of "vice" section chief of police bureau in Jingdou Heyuan city "....No doubt situated second position of police bureau,daily work is some odd jobs.When busy times might have to stamp over 1200 arbitration documents ,b...
Yamashita Tomohisa and Nagasawa Masami play a young man and woman who have been friends since elementary school. Yamashita's character, Iwase Ken, is obstinate and unskilled in love, but he fell long ago for the lively and cheerful woman, Yoshida Rei...
Based on the mange of the same name, Toda Erika plays an honest college student, Kanzaki Nao, who receives a hundred million yen one day, along with a card saying she has been chosen to take part in the "Liar Game". The aim of the game is to trick th...
Based on the manga sequel Seito Shokun!Kyoshi Hen by Yoko Shoji,Rina plays a female teacher who will take on current education problems such as bullying,suicide,and declining stundent performance
Misaki (Nakayama Miho) is a 30-year old unlucky in love editor. She tends to fall in love hard and smothers her boyfriends to death. With no major accomplishments under her belt, she is told to look after Koh Nagase (Toyokawa Etsushi), a bestselling ...
Moved by television shows of lawyers she saw as a child ,Ryoko Ishida dreamt of nothing more than becoming one herself.Though she studied hard she was never able to realize her dream.
Shomuni Final is a comedic drama serial,continued from Shomuni 2 .Tsuboi Chinatsu ,the most hated GA-2 by the Personnel Department,has resigned from Manpan Corporation,During the wedding reception,she asks four of the five female GA-2 employees (all ...
The story traces the lives of three generation of women,from the early decadent 1920's years,throughout the War years,into modern times,Matsushima Nanako stars as the female heroine in all three tales - as Aya,a brave girl trapped in a loveless marri...
This is a sequel to the 2005 series"oniyome Nikki"starring the same comic coupling of Sanae (Alisa Mizuki)and Kazuma (Gori).This time,the action centers on a bath-house run by Kazuma's father (Cha Kato),an irresponsible and perverted man.
Ishihara plays a new 20-year-old OL working in the apparel company of her dreams. Her father, played by Tokito, loves his daughter excessively to the point that he compels her to follow his house rules: 7:00pm curfew, no socialising with the opposite...
drama adaptation of a popular comic written by Sekiya Tetsuji. Matsumoto Jun plays the overenthusiastic protagonist from Fukuoka who comes to Tokyo with the desire to become a chef. The drama will display cooking skills and the Italian language.
Ishihara plays a new 20-year-old OL working in the apparel company of her dreams. Her father, played by Tokito, loves his daughter excessively to the point that he compels her to follow his house rules: 7:00pm curfew, no socialising with the opposite...
Mizuki Arisa and Gori reprise their roles as husband and wife. Season 2 shifts the setting to a public bath...
Tamako, an elite lawyer with a promising future, works for a reputable law firm. She is recently given an opportunity to take a case involving a young child who has been bullied at a local elementary school. Fully aware of the difficulties uncovering...
A home comedy in which Oda Yuji will play a 40-year-old man who marries the 20-year-old woman, Ueno Juri. He will find out that his wife's mother(Ohtake Shinobu) is his former lover. Eventually the mother will live with couple and the man will start ...
Food Detective 2 / Kuitan 2 / 喰いタン 2 / 美食偵探王2
It's been six month since we last saw the unique group from the "Holmes Detective Agency" in Hong Kong. The gourmet frantic Seiya Takano has flown back to Japan to pay his old teammates...
It's been six month since we last saw the unique group from the "Holmes Detective Agency" in Hong Kong. The gourmet frantic Seiya Takano has flown back to Japan to pay his old teammates a visit at the agency , However, when he got there. all he found...
Yamashita Tomohisa and Nagasawa Masami play a young man and woman who have been friends since elementary school. Yamashita's character, Iwase Ken, is obstinate and unskilled in love, but he fell long ago for the lively and cheerful woman, Yoshida Rei...
A home comedy in which Oda Yuji will play a 40 year old man who married the 20 year old woman,Ueno Juri.He will find out that his wife's mother (Ohtake Shinobu)is his former lover.Eventually the mother will live with couple and the man will start on ...
Ishihara plays a new 20-year-old OL working in the apparel company of her dreams.Her father,played by Tokito,loves his daughter excessively to the point that he compels her to follow his house rules: 6.00pm curfew,no socialising with the oppsite sex....
Tamako is a lawyer who investigates the truth and the dark side of the school where various ulterior motives swirl when one of its junior high school student falls to death.Tanihara Shosuke also plays a lawyer who is Tamako's lover,while Ito Atsushi ...
Iwase Ken and Yoshida Rei have been friends since elementary school. Ken, is obstinate and unskilled in love, but he fell long ago for the lively and cheerful, Rei. But Rei is about to get married to another man. While Ken and other friends from high...
During his vacation from college,Ban(Matsumoto Jun) travels to Tokyo's upper-class distrivt of Roppongi form his hometown i Fukuoka to work at an evtravagant Italian chef,but in his new environment he encounters the hardships that he must go througgh...
Based on the manga series of the same name,Toda Erika plays an honest collage student,Kanzaki Nao,who receives a hundred million yen one day.along with a card saying she has been chosen to take part in the"Liar Game".The aim of the game is to trick t...
Mizuki Arisa and Gori star as husband and wife in this TV adaptationof a popular Internet blog.Oniyome Nikki is a true account of the life of a husband who is abused daily by his wife.The drama will depict the exchanges between the couple-the misery ...
Iwase Ken(Yamashita Tomohisa)dan Yoshida Rei(Nagasawa Msami)mula berkawan semasa mereka belajar di sekolah renendah.Ken jatuh cinta dengan Rei sejak awal,tetapi ken kurang berani menunjukkan cintaanya,dan akhirnya.Rei berkahwin dengan lelaki lain.Dal...
One year has past,kiriyama works at the same police station and he is still interested in unsolved cases which belong to the statute of limitations.Together with his asistance Mizazuki,(who is actually in love with kiriyama),kiriyama solves those cas...
A car accident killed a couple and caused their six children to become orphans. At that time, the eldest child was only18 and had to attend marathon training. being unconfident of taking good care of his siblings, he separately relocate them to their...
Bus Stop is a romantic fairytale of the unlikely coupling between an ambitious and sophisticated business executive(lijima Naoko)and a happy-go-lucky bus driver (Teruyoshi Uchimura)
A comeback from the successful first series aired in 2003.This time again,Hitoshi,a dull and incapabie "Mr.Nobody"at work turns into a sexy,handsome,and clever savior to fight the corruption of the society!More action, love,and dramatic cases a wait ...
Trick 2 keeps on describing the strange relationships of Yamada Naoko,a skilled and unemployed magician,and Ueda Jiro a physics teacher who doesn't belive in supranatural powers.Each story gives us the opportunity to meet these funny characters inclu...
A touching love story about a girl Kano Masaki (Fukada) who contracted HIV after selling her body in order to earn money for the concert of a famous composer Ishikawa Keigo (Kaneshiro). After the concert, Keigo saw Masaki chasing after his van. She w...
Since his father passed away six years ago.Shimao Suzuki has taken over the family business,working diligently at their factory with his mother Aiko and a couple of employees.Though not wealthy,Shimao,Aiko,and Shimao's sister Mariko are satisfied wit...
The hit drama "The Way I Live"aired from January 2003,and told the moving story of one man who tired to reshape his life after learning that he only had a year left to live. 故事简介