The story is loosely based on Ghost in the Shell manga chapter "Robot Rondo". Opening in 2032, Public Security Section 9 cybernetic operative Batou is teamed with Togusa, an agent with very few cybernetic upgrades, following the events of Ghost in th...
One Christmas Eve in present day Tokyo, three homeless people — Gin (ギン?), a middle-aged alcoholic, Hana (ハナ?), a trans woman and former drag queen, and Miyuki (ミユキ?), a runaway girl — discover an abandoned newborn while looking th...
Elfen Lied takes place in Kamakura, Japan, and focuses on the "Diclonius", a newly evolved species. Their appearance is similar to humans, albeit with several differences, namely horn-like protrusions on the forehead and the presence o...
Yasuhiro Nightow had gone to work selling apartments for the housing corporation Sekisui House, but struggled to keep up with his manga drawing hobby. Reassured by some successes, including a one-shot manga based on the popular video game franchise S...