Macross Zero (マクロスゼロ, Macross Zero?) is an anime prequel OVA to The Super Dimension Fortress Macross consisting of five episodes. It was directed by Shoji Kawamori and produced by Satelight. It is set nine years after the fall of an alien space...
The story revolves around Kuzco, the self-centered emperor of a mountainous jungle nation, and one of his subjects, Pacha, a humble peasant and family man who is headman and representative of his village. Teenaged Kuzco is the self-proclaimed "King o...
n a world on the verge of the Space Age, an average man from an average background named Shirotsugh Lhadatt finds himself stuck in the little-respected Royal Space Force of the kingdom of Honneamise when he lacks the grades to become an Air Force pil...
The story starts when Yota Moteuchi finds out that the girl he likes, Moemi Hayakawa is in love with his best friend, Takashi Niimai. Disappointed by this fact, he decides to rent a video from a mysterious video store that appeared in front of him on...
The demonic space criminal Kain has escaped from prison and destroyed the Galaxy Police headquarters. To ensure that the Jurai will not stop him, Kain travels back to 1970 to eliminate Tenchi's mother before he is even born. Now, Tenchi and the gang ...
Shizuku Tsukishima, a young girl in junior high, loves to read. Yet, every time she opens a library book, it seems the same name appears on the cards: "Seiji Amasawa". As Shizuku learns who this person is, she also begins to learn about herself and h...
The Thrid Street Elementary School kids are teaming up to save summer vacation for kids all over the world in Disney's Recess: School's Out --- the hit theatrical movie that The Washington Post calls "Great Fun!" The school year is finally ending, an...
The clues are in. The pressure is on. The case of a lifetime is about to unfold in Disney's greatest mystery Classic! From the cobblestone streets of turn-of-the century London to the inner clock-works of towering Big Ben, you'll deligh...
There is a serial killer on the loose in Tokyo's subways, killing woman after woman. Subaru Sumeragi witnesses one such murder and becomes involved in the investigation where he meets a woman who can see events through touching objects. When the woma...
The Powerpuff Girls revolves around the adventures of Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup, three cute little girls with super powers. The plot of a typical episode is some humorous variation of standard superhero and/or tokusatsu fare, with...
The Powerpuff Girls revolves around the adventures of Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup, three cute little girls with super powers. The plot of a typical episode is some humorous variation of standard superhero and/or tokusatsu fare, wit...
Spirit of Wonder (スピリットオブワンダー, Supiritto Obu Wandā?) is a manga series authored by Kenji Tsuruta, originally serialized from 1986 in Kodansha's Morning seinen manga magazine, and later in Afternoon, until 1996.
It was later a...
Far far away,unknown and untouched by human civilization,lies a preaceful island covered in snow andice.One this white island,village inhabited by little animals.No one knows how they came to live on the island but they naturally came to live togethe...
Princess Mononoke follows the journey of the last Emishi prince,[2] Ashitaka, and his attempts to make peace between the human settlement, Irontown, and the creatures living in the surrounding forest.
The film begins with Ashitaka saving...
tous vos heros preferes hanna barbera dans des aventures inoubliables a regarder de toute urgence:scouby-doo,les pierrafeu,les jetsons,roquet bells oreilles,yogi l'ours ,pixie et dixie,et les fous du volant .un coffret inedie de 3dvd et 26episodes cu...
Walt Disney's Lady And The Tramp, filled with memorable music and purcbred fun, now shines like never before with an all-mew digital restoration!
Embark on a thrilling adventure with the must unforgettable characters: Lady, a lovingly pamp...
Kenichi and his detective uncle, Shunsaku Ban, leave Japan to visit Metropolis, in search of the criminal, Dr. Laughton. However, when they finally find Dr. Laughton, Kenichi and Shunsaku find themselves seperated and plunged into the middle of a lar...
Hyoutei Gakuen's strange (but impossibly wealthy) captain Atobe Keigo decides to throw a giant birthday party for his friend and teammate Kabaji. He invites the rest of the Prince of Tennis cast. Together they participate in many different sports and...
he second film opens with Prince Charming on a quest to rescue Princess Fiona from the Dragon. When he gets there he finds the wolf from Little Red Riding Hood in Fiona’s bed. He asks where Fiona is and the wolf tells him she is on her hon...
Its Laura's birthday, and Laura isn't paying much attention to him. Hamtaro then went with the ham-hams to ham ham land. Hamtaro is searching for the magic sunflower seed, but, he will have to battle Maou-hamu for it.
5th-grader Laura Haruna owns a hamster, and his name is Hamtaro. After moving into a new town, Hamtaro finds that he's in the company of lots of different hamsters, making up a group of hamster friends that go on crazy adventures through the city. Be...
Seven years before the events at the focus of the series, one hundred orphans from Japan are sent to different parts of the world to become a saint of Athena. The story focuses in one of these orphans called Seiya. He is sent to the Sanctuary...
When Makoto Mizuhara discovers an old monument in his school and awakens a beautiful woman, he, his teacher, his worst enemy and one of his female friends is transported to the magnificent world of El Hazard. There they discovers that they have r...
Get ready for all of the laughs, adventure and hip-hopping good times in this all-new imaginative and modern retelling of Uncle Remus? best-loved tales in the Adventures of Brer Rabbit DVD! Parents and kids alike will delight in the escap...
A spoiled prince from the Moon Country (which is located on Crescent Moon Island, on a southern sea) is traveling the world and is to be escorted back to his home island by Naruto, Kakashi, Sakura and Lee. The Prince ends up purchasing a circus and h...