On one hot summer day in 1983, a transfer student named Maebara Keiichi comes to a peaceful rural village in Hinamizawa. There, he befriends his classmates Rena, Mion, Rika, and Satoko. Accepted as a full-fledged member of the "club," Keiichi and the...
Shindou Ranmaru has just graduated from police academy and assigned to Tokki: Special Mobile Investigation Force. On the day of his graduation, he meets the half-naked girl he has been seeing in his dreams, Rokujo Sakura. It turns out she works for a...
Director's cut vision of 3DCG anime film "To" directed by Fumihiko Sori renowned for prominent works including "Apple Seed" and "Vexille."Based on hit manga "2001 Night (2001 Ya Monogatari)" written by Yukinobu Hoshino.Two stories "To Elliptical Orbi...
Ruquia and her friends are the worst class in the Magical Academy. But, if they can win the Class Crash Magical Competition, they can turn their status around. However, their bumbling ways may stop them from succeeding.
565.The Witness That Cannot Be Seen
566.The Partner Is Santa-san
567.The Intention To Murder Befalling In An Open-air Bath
568.Inspector Shiratori,Memories Of The Sakura(Part 1)
Powerful relics known as Precious have started to appear throughout the world. However, the various Negative Syndicates wish to take the Precious for themselves and utilize them for evil means. To make sure that the Precious doesn't fall into the han...
The series is being extensively “refreshed” for Japanese TV. It is not new animation, but simply a remastering of the original film. Part of this will be reformatting and extending the picture to 16:9 Widescreen (the Jump image says it will not be ...
Krakatoa - The Last Days
Take a ringside seat at one of history's deadliest natural disasters. This spectacular drama draws on eyewitness accounts, contemporary interviews and modern science to tell the true and amazing story of one of the worst nat...
The first female U.S. president, is killed by a sniper during her speech on Independence Day. After three months, with the case still unsolved,a man with the tattoo "XIII" on his neck washes up on a beach suffering from amnesia.A hunt for the man and...
A comical spin-off of the ever popular "Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya" television series originally aired back in 2006 involving all the major characters in more child-like forms of their animated selves going through various spoofs of previous plot ...
Bayonetta follow Enzo's information to a city called Vigrid, and once there she's often forced to fight Angels in order to progress.Shortly after her arrival,Bayonetta is confronted by Jeanne,another Umbra Witch,who seems to have allied herself with ...
Newlywed Wendy Crews has the shock of her life when her
hubby is arrested by the FBI on their honeymoon. When he's convicted
of murder and embezzlement, Wendy goes undercover to doscover the truth.Frustrated and frightened by his silence,Wendy's sl...
Asahiyama Zoo in Hokkaido, is the northernmost zoo in Japan. The unpopular zoo welcomes a new zoo keeper, young Yoshida (Yasuhi Nakamura), who has more affection for insects than people after years of being bullied at school when he was young. Yoshid...
A woman is haunted by guilt after the accidental drowning death of her stepsister while the girl was under her care.Years later,this trauma has left her wary of the role of motherhood and skeptical about relationship.Now a high-powered publicist,she ...
Alison Morgan, married to doctor Steve Morgan, seems to have the perfect life - except for the heart condition that keeps her on daily medication, the fact that she suffered a stillbirth three years ago and longs for a child, and that she can't remem...
Three sisters grow up on a chicken farm in a small town of Gifu. The oldest sister, Yukie Sawada, is engaged to be married, the middle sister, Sachiko works at a beauty salon and the youngest, Mayu is on the track team in high school.Their happy , ca...
The opening ceremony was held in the evening of April 30, 2010, with the attendance of dozens of world leaders.[8] The ceremony consisted of an indoor and outdoor component. Jackie Chan, Lang Lang, and Andrea Bocelli were among the performers in the ...
The flagship release from groundbreaking animation outfit STUDIO 4c, the concept is both stunningly simple and utterly original: Gather an all-star team of contemporary Anime creators, mixing established legends with the brightest up-and-comers. Give...
Two elite National Security System (NSS) agents, Hyeong-Jun (Lee Byung-Hun) and Sa-Woo (Jeong Jun-Ho), who were sworn blood brothers, both fall for fellow agent Seung-Hee (Kim Tae-Hee). Sa-Woo attempts to suppress his feelings for Seung-Hee and wishe...
Tsuna is a hapless youth with low test scores and lower self esteem. His mother hires a tutor to help Tsuna out, but it comes as a surprise to the both of them when the tutor is a baby named Reborn, claiming to be from the Mafia. Reborn informs Tsuna...
Director Dante Lam follows The Beast Stalker with the powerhouse action thriller Fire of Conscience. Leon Lai and Richie Jen headline the hardboiled crime actioner as opposing cops with dark pasts that build to even darker consequences. Packed with g...
Your favourite teddy bear. That model kit that took so long to complete. The picture book you used to read over and over again. The shining stone you found that day in the park. Where do all your childhood's treasures go when you grow up? In this sto...
267.Connected Hearts!
The Left Fist Prepared for Death!
268.Hatred and Jelousy,Orihime's Dilemma
厌恶与妒忌 窘境的織姬
269.Ichigo and Uryu,Bonded Back to Back
270.Beginning of Despair...
Lucy is a 16-year-old girl, who wants to be a full-fledged mage. One day when visiting Harujion Town, she meets Natsu, a young man who gets sick easily by any type of transportation. But Natsu isnt just any ordinary kid, he's a member of one of the w...
Lucy is a 16-year-old girl, who wants to be a full-fledged mage. One day when visiting Harujion Town, she meets Natsu, a young man who gets sick easily by any type of transportation. But Natsu isnt just any ordinary kid, he's a member of one of the w...
Lucy is a 16-year-old girl, who wants to be a full-fledged mage. One day when visiting Harujion Town, she meets Natsu, a young man who gets sick easily by any type of transportation. But Natsu isnt just any ordinary kid, he's a member of one of the w...
Penonton setia ikan terhandal Malaysia pasti mengingati lautan Indonesia yang penuh dengan aksi memancingnya,terutama di kawasan terpencilnya yang berpopulasi rendah.Setelah perancangan yang rumit,kami telah menjelajah ke Biak,sebuah pulau yang bera...
Sebelum ini kami telah berjaya menumpaskan ikan layaran yang menggemarkan umpan hidup dengan bersenjatakan popper sahaja.Kali ini kami telah menerima cabaran baru untuk menjeratnya dengan jig besi pula.Setelah beberapa kali mengalami kegagalan akhirn...
Dalam episode yang mengandungi 3 cerita ini kami akan membawa anda ke Setiawan,Perak untuk menangani haruan tasik,ikan sasaran terbaru di kolam pancing.Bayangkanlah keseronokannya apabila menentang haruan tasik mencecah 5 kilogram hanya bersenjataka...