The flagship release from groundbreaking animation outfit STUDIO 4c, the concept is both stunningly simple and utterly original: Gather an all-star team of contemporary Anime creators, mixing established legends with the brightest up-and-comers. Give each one free reign to make an entirely original film, providing only a single guiding theme: The Spirit of Creativity.
Genius Party
1.Genius Party (Atsuko Fukushima)
2.Shanghai Dragon (Shoji Kawamori)
3.Deathtic 4 (Shinji Kimura)
4.Doorbell (Yuji Fukuyama)
5.Limit Cycle (Hideki Futamura)
6.Happy Machine (Masaki Yuasa)
7.Baby Blue (Shinichiro Watanabe)
Genius Party Beyond
1.Gala (Mahiro Maeda)
2.Moondrive (Kazuto Nakazawa)
3.Wanwa the Puppy (Shinya Ohira)
4.Tojin Kit (Tatsuyuki Tanaka)
5.Dimension Bomb (Koji Morimoto)