A school battle action & love comedy with ecchi elements. Yachi Haruaki is a high school boy and naturally resistant to curses. His father, Honatsu, sends him cursed instruments called “Worse” to try to break this. One day, Haruaki receives a black...
After a resounding defeat and the loss of some comrades Chizuru Yukimura and the Shinsengumi head to Ezo to fight the new government's army. However, all does not go well. תÔØÇë×¢Ã÷³...
When contact with the USG Ishimura and the Aegis VII colony is lost, the Concordance Extraction Corporation sends the ship USGO'Bannon to investigate. But the corporation loses contact with the O'Bannon as well.
The Marine b...
A school battle action & love comedy with ecchi elements. Yachi Haruaki is a high school boy and naturally resistant to curses. His father, Honatsu, sends him cursed instruments called “Worse” to try to break this. One day, Haruaki receives a black...