Japanese Drama : The Happy Prince VCD - 幸福的王子
Code : PD0145
Price : | MYR16.90 SGD8.03 USD6.59 RMB45.63 MYR13.52 / SGD6.42 / USD5.27 / RMB36.50 |
Weight : | 300 g |
Genre : | Family / Love / Relationship , Modern , |
Subtitle : | Chinese , Malay , |
Language : | Japanese , |
Discs : | 7 |
Model : | VCD , |
| |
The Oscar Wilde fairy tale on which the drama is based is about a gold-plated statue that gives away its valuable coating to help people in need. However, in this version the hero, Shuhei (Masahiro Motoki), is neither a statue nor a prince -- unless, of course, you consider the scion to a wealthy family that owns a large hospital a kind of prince. Shuhei doesn't, though explaining this would give away the story, which is told in flashbacks. In the opening episode, broadcast last week, Shuhei, with white hair, a large scar on his neck, and speech patterns more appropriate for an 8-year-old, walks into the office of a loan shark and shoots everyone dead. He then walks out and is himself shot by policemen. He is brought to a hospital where he remains in a coma while a teenage girl named Mayu, who requires a heart transplant, is given good news by her doctor, a young man named Ryosuke. Ryosuke was once Shuhei's best friend, and in this week's installment he starts telling Mayu Shuhei's tale, about how he wanted to study music and marry a young cellist named Umi (Miho Kanno), but that his family insisted he become a doctor and take over the family business. They even found a different bride for him. :
别 名:不需要爱情的夏天幸福的王子
导 演:猪股隆一
演 员:本木雅弘, 菅野 美穂(菅野 美穗), 渡部笃郎
回 数:11
茧(绫濑饰 )是一个心脏需要移植的女孩,一天心存绝望地独自在街头闲晃,不料却被陌生男子所搭讪,正当危险之际却被一个头发全白身上有烫伤痕迹的男子所救……。茧一醒来却发现躺在自己的家中,为了答谢这份恩情,于是拿着白发男子留下的手帕沿街寻找他的下落,却发现他有个外号『王子』.....而且居然在夜总打工……
茧为了报答白发男子鸣川周平(本木雅弘 饰)的恩情,于是当面向他致谢并邀请他到家里坐坐。不料周平跟茧回到家中时,却发现茧的妈妈桃子(井森美幸饰)为了茧的病被骗了两百万……总是帮助别人而牺牲自己的周平决定为桃子报仇……。
在医院病床醒来的茧却发现周平已经在医院里,而周平的大学同学良介(渡部笃郎 饰)告诉茧不必再担心心脏移植的问题,茧不能相信周平已经意识不能恢复,于是良介慢慢告诉茧有关周平跟他还有安元海(菅野美穗饰)三人之间的爱情故事……