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07Oct2024 - 06:49 25 AM
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Japan Anime

Japanese Anime: Pokemon & The Prince of the Sea Manaphy (The Movie) DVD 蒼海的王子
Code : OR-01001
Price : MYR9.90 SGD4.70 USD3.86 RMB26.73 MYR7.92 / SGD3.76 / USD3.09 / RMB21.38
Weight :100 g
Genre :Boy Series Animation ,
Subtitle :Chinese , Malay ,
Language :Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer : ,

When the earth and moon become one, the temple will appear... The one who holds the crown of the ocean will become the true ruler of the seas... The call of the people of the water awakens the prince of the sea...

Ash continues quest to become the world's greatest Pokemon trainer with his best friend- Pikachu. Meanwhile, Jack "Jackie" Walker is sent on a mission from the Pokémon Rangers to protect the egg of Manaphy, which is sought after by a band of pirates, the Phantom Troop. Although successful with his mission, Phantom is persistent with their pursuit. Ash, May, Brock, and Max cross paths with Jackie, and after having a fated dream, May encounters a mysterious Pokémon called Manaphy, who is claimed to be the 'prince' of the sea Pokémon.

Phantom eventually meets up with them, wanting Manaphy who is the key to a hidden ancient undersea temple "Akūsha", a water-based civilization were its people were able to comminucate with Pokémon telepathically. Its up to Ash, his friends, Hiromi (a descendant of the civiliation) and Jackie to protect Manaphy and stop the evil pirate from claiming the power hidden within the temple.

《口袋妖怪》2006年劇場版《蒼海的王子》,此次把故事的舞台放在了浩瀚無邊的� {色大海中



  但目前據說誰也沒看過這頂王冠的實體模樣.這時,追尋著傳說之謎的神奇寶貝援助員"杰克·渥克"(昵稱傑奇)出現了.原來傑奇正執行一項機密任務,那就是要把蒼海的王子──瑪� {霏的蛋給安然送進神殿里.于是廣美和小智等人也協助這項任務.忽然這時!出現了有"魅影"之稱的海盜船長開來的大型潛水艦.原來魅影想要奪取王冠,借住王冠的神力來策劃征服世界.但是要解開王冠隱藏的謎團,似乎還需要靠瑪� {霏的蛋.這時連火箭隊都想過來分一杯羹,造成了大混亂!

  為了抵制魅影的陰�,傑奇開始用捕獲器借住許多神奇寶貝的力量,小智他們也拿出自己的神奇寶貝准備應戰.但畢竟對方的高科技潛水艦威力太強,頓時陷入危機!神秘的蛋此時發出燦爛的光芒,瑪� {霏終于誕生了!隱藏于王冠珍寶里的秘密是?而瑪� {霏的神秘力量又是?最後傑奇和小智等人的任務究竟能不能圓滿成功呢?!現在,准備朝向海之神殿-亞庫夏,目睹這精采的冒險吧!

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