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07Oct2024 - 06:46 11 AM
Category :

Japan Anime

Japanese Anime : Onimusha Dawn Of Dreams VCD 新鬼武者
Code : GP-8002CM
Price : MYR19.90 SGD9.45 USD7.76 RMB53.73 MYR15.92 / SGD7.56 / USD6.21 / RMB42.98
Weight :120 g
Genre :Boy Series Animation ,
Subtitle :Chinese , Malay ,
Language :Japanese ,
Discs :2
Model :VCD ,

The warlord Nobunaga Oda attempted to bring the land under his control, but perished amidst the flames at Honnoji Temple thanks to the efforts the Onimusha Samanosuke and Jubei. Afiter Nobunaga's fall, his successor Hideyoshi Toyotomi, became the new ruler of Japan and all seemed peaceful. However, on June 29th, 1596 an eerie crimson star appeared in the skies over Japan. On that day, Hideyoshi underwent an evil transformation and the country was rocked by natural catastrophes. Hideyoshi's dark influence began to spread to foreign lands. He began a string of viciou acts including the capture of the Spanish vessel San Felipe and the execution of its crew along with the banishment of all foreigners and the persecution of religion. At this time, the Genma mysteriously reappeared in the land, once again striking fear into the hearts of mankind. Hideyoshi began massing them for what he hoped would be the conquest of the world under the domination of a vast demonic army. Now it is 1598 and the latest chapter in the epic struggle between good and evil has begun... 內容細述統帥幻魔操控帝國時代的幻魔王織田信長,被左馬介消 滅之後,原來信長部下的風臣秀吉乘勢崛起,也因此應該被全滅 的幻魔又再度出現,人稱“灰燼的蒼鬼” 的年輕武士結成秀康,因 而展開討伐幻魔之旅。文祿六年(1596年)6月29日,天空突然出現 了綻放著紅色光芒的妖星,各地開始頻繁的發生天災,久違穿� { 色盔甲,手持兩把大刀,轉戰各地討伐幻魔的年輕武者,由于其勇 猛過人,因而被稱作“灰燼的蒼鬼”。

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