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07Oct2024 - 06:45 33 AM
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Japan Anime

Japanese Anime: Honey and Clover DVD Vol.1-24end 蜂蜜与三叶草
Code : 90001
Price : MYR16.90 SGD8.03 USD6.59 RMB45.63 MYR13.52 / SGD6.42 / USD5.27 / RMB36.50
Weight :100 g
Genre :Girl Series Animation ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :Japanese ,
Discs :1
Model :DVD ,

Takemoto Yuuta, Mayama Takumi, and Morita Shinobu are college students who share the small apartment. Even though they live in poverty, the three of them are able to obtain pleasure through small things in life. The story follows these characters' life stories as poor college students, as well as their love lives when a short but talented 18 year old girl called Hanamoto Hagumi appears.

在破旧的公寓里,美术大学的学生竹本、真山和森田过着虽然穷苦但是快乐的生活。  这一天,花本先生向三人介绍了一个女孩子,她是花本先生的表兄弟的女儿,少女般娇小的可爱的插班生海古美。见到天真烂漫的海古美的时候,竹本和森田一瞬间就爱上了她。容易理解又笨拙到令周围的人着急的竹本,和想法难解而令周围的人迷惑的森田。正相反的两人的爱情表现交错之中,森田自不必说,连竹本甚至海古美都没有注意到互相的心情,时间就这样流逝着。一方面,真山对建筑设计师理花的爱意与日俱增,而理花至今仍追寻着因交通事故而过世的丈夫的影子。而对于一心一意一直喜欢着自己的同级同学山田的心情,真山却没有注意到。想要填补理花心中空洞的真山,真山深爱的理花,就是没法让喜欢的真山理睬自己的山田。以各自都为恋情苦恼的两个三角关系为中心,逐渐展开令人难过又有点好笑的 “单相思的故事”。

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