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07Oct2024 - 06:41 02 AM
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Japan Anime

Japanese Anime: Magical Girl Lyrical Nanha DVD Vol.1-13end 魔法少女奈叶A
Code : DVD 9540
Price : MYR19.90 SGD9.45 USD7.76 RMB53.73 MYR15.92 / SGD7.56 / USD6.21 / RMB42.98
Weight :200 g
Genre :Girl Series Animation ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :Japanese ,
Discs :1
Model :DVD ,

Yuuno Scraia is a mage from a distant planet working to fix the problem he started when Jewel Seeds were accidentally spread around the world. In a failed attempt to seal a seed properly, he winds up on Earth in the form of a ferret. However, his battle with the seeds did not end upon reaching the Earth and he needs somebody else's help to seal the seeds for him. Takamachi Nanoha hears his telepathic cries for help and comes to his rescue. When she is given a pearl known as the Raging Heart she is able to transform into Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha and wield a staff to fend off the evil that lies within the Seeds. In order to help Yuuno complete his mission, she needs to seal all 21 Jewel Seeds away, but Fate may be playing a hand in the matter to prevent Nanoha's goals 故事的主人翁是平凡的小學三年級學生高町奈葉,和經營咖啡館的父母,以及身為學生的哥哥和姐姐,還有關係良好的朋友們,一起過著非常普通的日常生活,卻在奇妙的際遇下和“異世界的少年”相逢。從此生活都改變了,如此的相遇讓奈葉得到魔法的力量,她開始幫助異世界少年尋找散落在世界上的異世界的遺產“寶石之源”,並必須將其回收。在可以自由變身成小動物和人類的異世界少年的幫助下,奈葉� {自己的資質和意志將魔法之杖具現化。� {藉兩種力量,來實現緊握在手中的人們的夢想,然而,為了防止伴隨而來的種種危險,所以必須要回收寶石之源,並在無人知曉的情況下守護周圍的和平。奈葉和異世界少年的柔和友情及羈絆。還有,與寶石之源相關各式各樣的人的種種形態互相接觸。原本應該是和家人以及朋友一起快樂生活的三年級學生,卻要無時無刻的過著,放學後休息時間裏秘密的魔法少女生活。在持續著這樣的日子裡,又出現了“和奈葉一樣擁有魔法少女資質的敵對勢力”,並且還出現了“關注著兩方戰鬥的第三勢力”,奈葉平穩的生活陷入大危機中!“所以我會盡可能地努力的...。為了將來不會後悔”高町奈葉,小學三年級學生。雖然沒有?#092;動神經,但� {著智慧與勇氣以及魔法的咒文和不輸於人的心境。高町奈葉,一定會努力的!

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