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07Oct2024 - 06:42 03 AM
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Japan Anime

Japanese Anime: Magister Negi Magi Magic 2 DVD Vol.1-8 魔法老师
Code : YD 0014
Price : MYR14.90 SGD7.08 USD5.81 RMB40.23 MYR11.92 / SGD5.66 / USD4.65 / RMB32.18
Weight :100 g
Genre :Girl Series Animation ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Japanese ,
Discs :1
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Lambaian Filem ,

10-year old Negi Springfield is a wizard-in-training, and needs only to pass one more test in order to become a Master Wizard. Unfortunately, his final task is a bizarre one- to become a English teacher at an all-females boarding school. As soon as he arrives, he completely embarasses one of his students, Asuna Kagurazaka, and replaces the teacher she loves, which garners her hatred. To make matters worse, Asuna learns that Negi is a wizard,and promises to tell unless he helps her out. But, unfortunately, circumstances force them to work together to do many things, from fighting evil wizards to helping the class pass their final exam, with a lot of humor, magic, and romances thrown in. Negi Springfield, 10 years old, graduated from magic school in Wales, UK and is sent to Japan to complete his "training." He becomes an English homeroom teacher for the All-Girls Mahora Academy Middle School Campus class "2-A." (8th Grade)

《魔法老师》是又一部以青春搞笑为主的作品,今年一月份在东京电视台正式放映了TV版,里面充斥着各种剪不断理还乱的关系,KISS漫天飞,无里头天天有,一个男生31个女生,是赤松健老师继大热之作《纯情房东俏房客》后推出的同题材的又一部青春喜剧,与其说是喜剧还不如说是乱剧,想必看过的朋友都能体会到,不过这也是赤松健老师一贯秉承的风格。奈基以英国魔法学校以第一名的身份毕业后,按指示到日本中学教英文,同时也是为了完成自己的论文,其实他的真实身份是魔法师,不过令人发汗的是在他所教的2年A班里也是个不容忽视的集体,里面的学生看似平平庸庸,其实不然从忍者、剑士、武术高手、神枪手到连吸血鬼与机械人应有尽有,甚至连幽灵学生都出现。(我倒� 梶|什么班级啊)而他自己更是奇特,为了增强战斗能力居然要靠KISS来�暂定契约�于是厖。本作的独到之处就是魔法咒语的设定上,结合引用了古希腊语、拉丁文以及圣经的内容来进行创作,并在关键之出加上大量的解说,这点还是很为称道的。另外女主角的声优阵容也很强大,堀江由衣、能登麻美子等人气势力声优都有登场。

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