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07Oct2024 - 06:44 16 AM
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Japan Anime

XXX Holic Vol.1-24 VCD 真夏夜之梦
Code : GTE 0093
Price : MYR42.90 SGD20.38 USD16.73 RMB115.83 MYR34.32 / SGD16.30 / USD13.38 / RMB92.66
Weight :300 g
Genre :Boy Series Animation ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :Japanese ,
Discs :9

Kimihiro Watanuki is a young boy with a cursed gift. He has the ability to see evil spirits, and somehow they seem attracted to himself. One day he meets a misterious woman who names herself Yuuko. She claims to have the means to end his torment, but she never works for free, and she wouldn't help him until he works for her enough to pay for her services. Thus he starts to work in her shop and discovers that in that place, nothing is what it seems.

一个叫四月一日君寻的高中生能看见普通人看不见的灵怪。 他有一天与不可思议的店主人壹原侑子相遇了。 宣称“无论什么愿望都能实现”的侑子。为此,这个需要相应的对价。 本片是从侑子收到来路不明的信开始讲起。那是召开拍卖会的邀请函。 在古老的邸宅里被招待的是7个狂热的收藏家。 据说他们都是为了完美自己的收藏而应该邸宅主人的邀请来到这里的。 可是,等了很久都不见主人现身。 不久,一个接一个的收藏家离奇消失了……。 充满神秘的馆主,不可思议的少女。一夜里接连发生了很多奇异的事情。 要拍卖的到底是什么呢?究竟招待的主人是谁呢? 执著于将物据为所有的狡猾而愚蠢的姿态以及住在馆里的主人超越时间的思念。 云雾缭绕的谜团的结果,以及悲惨的恋爱故事的结尾。 此为包裹着重重谜团的超级推理小说。

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