Tiny Planets - Bing & Bong’s big adventure : Sights and Sounds Tiny Planets - Bing & Bong’s big adventure : Sights and Sounds
Code : P
Price : | MYR15.90 SGD7.55 USD6.20 RMB42.93 MYR12.72 / SGD6.04 / USD4.96 / RMB34.34 |
Weight : | 300 g |
Genre : | Academic / Education / Learning , Story , |
Subtitle : | English , Chinese , |
Language : | English , |
Discs : | 1 |
| |
Deep in the heart of the Tiny Universe lies the Home Planet where the lovable and furry Bing and Bong make their home. Catapulted to the wonderful planets in the solar system on their fluffy white sofa, these best friends spend their time exploring the worlds around them, learning, growing and having fun. Tiny Planets is designed to stimulate children’s natural sense of curiosity about how things work and to encourage them to explore and investigate as they participate in a journey of discovery through the physical and social world around them.