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06Feb2025 - 12:04 25 AM
Category :

Japan Anime

ANIME DVD JAPANESE : Hataraku Maou-sama ! 打工吧 ! 魔王大人 Vol. 1 - 13 End
Code : 9555329247830
Price : MYR28.50 SGD13.54 USD11.12 RMB76.95 MYR22.80 / SGD10.83 / USD8.89 / RMB61.56
Weight :350 g
Year :2015
Genre :Others ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Cantonese , Chinese/ Mandarin , Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Audio Format :AUDIO STEREO ,
Discs :2
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,

The story centers around a demon king named Satan who is one step away from conquering his alternate world when he is transported to Tokyo of our world. He ends up having to work part-time at a fast food restaurant to make ends meet. In order to conquer Japan, he has to first move up from a freelancer to an actual employee. Meanwhile, the heroine Emilia has arrived in Japan also, in pursuit of Satan.

在 平行空间的圣十字大陆上,邪恶魔王撒旦(逢坂良太 配音)派出魔军侵略周围的领土。人类在勇士艾米利亚(日笠阳子 配音)的率领下奋起反抗,最终攻入魔宫,迫使撒旦逃离此地。当魔王恢复意识后,发现自己竟然和忠实随从阿尔谢奈尔(小野友树 配音)置身于完全陌生的地球日本东京。魔力全失的二人为了生计不得不领取社保卡、银行卡等必须要件,还要每日外出打工维持吃穿用度。时时刻刻渴望回归本土 的魔王,某天意外发现艾米利亚竟然也追踪自己来到地球!虽然衣食住行令人烦恼,但是这三个看似中二病缠身的年轻人渐渐习惯了地球的生活。与此同时,仿佛有 另一股力量潜伏在他们身边,时刻准备抹杀魔王和勇者的存在……

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