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05Feb2025 - 11:50 00 PM
Category :

Japan Anime

ANIME DVD JAPANESE : Ninja Slayer From Animation 忍者杀手 Vol. 1 - 26 End (A24)
Code : 9555329247649
Price : MYR35.95 SGD17.08 USD14.02 RMB97.07 MYR28.76 / SGD13.66 / USD11.22 / RMB77.65
Weight :350 g
Year :2015
Genre :Others ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Audio Format :AUDIO STEREO ,
Discs :2
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Lambaian Filem ,
Producer :ANIME 动漫 ,

Kenji Fujikido is a salaryman whose wife and child were killed in a ninja turf war. In a brush with his own death, Fujikido is possessed by an enigmatic ninja soul known as Naraku Ninja. Fujikido cheats death and becomes "Ninja Slayer" -a Grim Reaper destined to kill evil ninja, committed to a personal war of vengeance. Set in the dystopian underworld of Neo-Saitama, Ninja Slayer takes on Soukai Syndicate ninja in mortal combat.

curtain will rise upon the legend of a new Saint. 《忍者杀手》讲述普通的上班族藤木户健二,他的妻子在忍者斗争中丧命。在他濒死之际,竟然被神祕的忍者灵魂附身了!捡回一命的藤木户,从此成为“忍者杀 手”,专门追杀忍者,为了复仇而战!以近未来都市新埼玉为舞台,忍者杀手VS忍者的生死决斗揭开序幕!

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