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14Mar2025 - 03:59 21 AM
Category :

English Anime

Code : 4918800001287
Price : MYR89.90 SGD42.70 USD35.06 RMB242.73 MYR71.92 / SGD34.16 / USD28.05 / RMB194.18
Weight :320 g
Director :Nelson Shin / ネルソン·シン ,
Year :1986
Genre :Robot/ Robotics/ Mecha ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :English , Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Audio Format :AUDIO STEREO ,
Discs :6
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD9 ,
Manufacturer :Nanomic Entertainment ,
Producer :ANIME 动漫 ,

In 2005, Unicron, a roaming artificial planet, devours robot planet Lithone, and only two inhabitants flee. Elsewhere, the evil Decepticons control the Transformers' homeworld, Cybertron. The heroic Autobots are using two of Cybertron's moons as staging areas, preparing to strike against the Decepticons. In need of energon cubes, an Autobot shuttle is readied for launch to Autobot City on Earth. A transmission is intercepted by the Decepticons, who ambush the shuttle, killing Brawn, Prowl, Ratchet and Ironhide, intending to use the ship to infiltrate Autobot City.

On Earth, Daniel Witwicky and Hot Rod fish in a lake near Autobot City, discussing Daniel's loneliness, as his father Spike is on one of the moon bases. They pick up the shuttle's signature, and race up to Lookout Mountain to see it land. They spot the Decepticons and launch a preemptive strike. After a brief battle, the Decepticons attack Autobot City. The Autobots, including Ultra Magnus, Blurr, Springer, Perceptor, and Arcee, transform Autobot City into a fortress. As a siege ensues, Ultra Magnus orders Blaster to radio for assistance from the leader of the Autobots, Optimus Prime. During the battle Windcharger and Wheeljack are killed and many more casualties are taken by both sides. The next morning, Optimus and the Dinobots arrive and successfully repel the Decepticons' attack.

Optimus confronts the Decepticon leader, Megatron, and the two engage in a fight. Though Megatron is defeated, Optimus is mortally wounded. Starscream takes command of the Decepticons and retreats with their fallen leader and other wounded aboard Astrotrain.

Perceptor informs the other Autobots that Optimus is in critical condition. Before his death, Optimus calls on Ultra Magnus to assume command of the Autobots and tries to give him the Autobot Matrix of Leadership, asserting that the Matrix will one day light the Autobots' darkest hour. The Matrix falls out of Optimus's hand, but is caught by Hot Rod, who passes it to Ultra Magnus. Optimus's monitor then flatlines and he turns gray and dies, much to the others' grief.

Astrotrain's shortage of fuel prompts the Decepticons to eject some Insecticons, Thundercracker, Skywarp, and Megatron. The remaining Decepticons argue over who should lead them. The Decepticon castoffs encounter Unicron, who offers to give Megatron and the others new bodies on the condition that they destroy the Autobot Matrix, which Unicron says is the only thing that can defeat him. Megatron reluctantly agrees and Unicron converts him into a new form: the Decepticon warrior "Galvatron". His underlings are reformatted into Cyclonus, and his huntsmen, Scourge, and the Sweeps. Unicron provides them with a craft in which they travel to Cybertron, where Galvatron obliterates Starscream and re-takes command of the Decepticons.

On Earth, the Autobots are alerted as Unicron consumes Cybertron's moons, along with Autobots Jazz, Bumblebee, Cliffjumper, and Spike. Galvatron leads the Decepticons in another assault on Autobot City. The Autobots board a pair of shuttles and flee toward Cybertron. Hot Rod, Kup and the Dinobots are shot down over the planet Quintessa, while Ultra Magnus and company evade their pursuers and set down on the planet Junk for repairs.

Captured by Quintessa guardsmen, Hot Rod and Kup witness the sentencing and execution of Arbulus, a native of Lithone. While imprisoned they meet Kranix, now Lithone's last survivor, who tells them about Unicron before he is eaten by the Sharkticons. Hot Rod and Kup are subjected to a mock trial by Quintesson executioners, who sentence them to death. Battling the Sharkticons, they are rescued by the arrival of the Dinobots. Grimlock persuades the Sharkticons to rebel against the Quintessons while the Autobots escape. With help from the Dinobots' new ally Wheelie, the group locates a ship and departs to join the other Autobots.

Galvatron hunts down the Autobots on Junk. Ultra Magnus fails to awaken the Matrix's powers and is dismembered by the Sweeps. Galvatron, no longer willing to serve Unicron, steals the Matrix, intending to make Unicron his slave. The remaining Autobots are harassed by hostile Junkion natives led by Wreck-Gar until Hot Rod's party arrives and befriends them. The Junkions repair Ultra Magnus and provide a vessel to help the Autobots' fight against Unicron.

Galvatron attempts to subjugate Unicron using the Matrix but is unable to unleash its power. Unicron transforms into a planet-sized robot, and attacks Cybertron. Galvatron opens fire on Unicron, but Unicron swallows him. Decepticons attempt to counter Unicron's attack, to no avail. When the Autobots arrive Hot Rod crashes their ship through one of Unicron's eyes and they find themselves separated within his body. Wreck-Gar and the Junkions fight back against Unicron, but Unicron crushes their ship.

Inside Unicron, Hot Rod confronts Galvatron while Daniel and the other Autobots rescue Spike and the survivors of Unicron's assault on Cybertron's moons. The Autobots and Decepticons work together to fight Unicron. Galvatron tries to assist Hot Rod, knowing that Unicron is a greater threat, only for Unicron to force Galvatron to attack. Hot Rod recovers the Matrix and unleashes its power, transforming him into Rodimus Prime. Rodimus throws Galvatron into space, then unleashes the Matrix's true power, obliterating Unicron. Rodimus leads the Autobots out of Unicron's body before it explodes. The Autobots reclaim Cybertron. Unicron's head orbits Cybertron as a new satellite.




セプターズオプティマス危険な状態にある他のオートボットに通知します。彼の死の前に、オプティマスそのマトリックス意志1日のオートボットの最も暗い時間を主張するオートボットコマンド想定するウルトラマグナス呼び出し、彼にリーダーシップオートボットマトリックスを与えることを試みます Matrixはオプティマスの手から外れますが、ウルトラマグナスに渡しホットロッドによってキャッチされています。コンボイのモニタはその後flatlines、彼は非常に他人の悲しみ灰色に変化して死ぬ。



Quintessa衛兵で撮影しホットロッドKupをArbulus判決と実行Lithoneネイティブを目撃投獄さが、それらは、彼がSharkticonsに食われる前にユニクロンについてのそれらを伝えクラニクスLithoneの最後の生存者満たしています。ホットロッドKupをにそれらを宣告Quintesson死刑執行による模擬裁判にかけられる Sharkticonsと戦って彼らDinobots到着によって救出されているオートボットが脱出しながら、グリムロックQuintessonsに対して反乱Sharkticons説得 Dinobots新しい同盟国ウイリーから助けを借りてグループが船を見つけ、他のオートボットへの参加を出発します。

ガルバトロンジャンクオートボットダウン狩りウルトラマグナスは、マトリックスの力を目覚めさせるに失敗し、スイープによってバラバラされるもはやユニクロンにサービスを提供して喜んガルバトロンユニクロン彼の奴隷をしようとするマトリックスを盗んでいない残りのオートボットは、ホットロッドパーティーが到着し、それらをbefriendsまでレックガー率いる敵対ジャンキオン原住民に悩まされている Junkionsウルトラマグナスを修復し、ユニクロンに対するオートボットの戦いを支援するための容器を提供する


ユニクロンの内部では、ホットロッドガルバトロンに直面ダニエルと他のオートボット救助スパイクサイバトロンの衛星ユニクロン攻撃生存者ながらオートボットディセプティコンユニクロンと戦うために協力ガルバトロンユニクロンユニクロン攻撃するガルバトロンを強制するだけのためにより大きな� {威であることを知って、ホットロッドを支援しようとしますホットロッドは、マトリックスを回復し、ロディマスコンボイに彼を変換しその力を最大限に引き出しますロディマス空間にガルバトロンをスローその後ユニクロン抹消マトリックス真の力最大限に引き出しますそれが爆発する前に、ロディマスユニクロンの体の外にオートボットをリードしています。オートボットは、サイバトロンを取り戻すユニクロンの頭は、新たな衛星としてサイバトロン周回する








惊破天查获滥发汽车人通天晓未能唤醒矩阵的权力,由肢解惊破天不再甘当宇宙大帝抢断矩阵有意使宇宙大帝他的奴隶其余的汽车人沉船 - 加尔率领直到热棒到达并且协助他们敌对Junkion当地人骚扰。Junkions通天晓,并提供一个容器,以帮助汽车人宇宙大帝的战斗

惊破天企图征服宇宙大帝使用Matrix但无法发挥其威力。宇宙大帝变成一个行星大小的机器人并且攻击塞伯特恩惊破天打开宇宙大帝火,但宇宙大帝吞下了他。霸天虎试图反击宇宙大帝的攻击,但没有成功汽车人到达热棒通过宇宙大帝一只眼睛崩溃他们的船,他们发现自己在他的身体分离沉船 - 加尔Junkions反击宇宙大帝而是宇宙大帝击碎他们的船


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