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22Feb2025 - 11:28 27 PM
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Petaling Street Warriors 大英雄小男人
Code : 8886356054612
Price : MYR24.90 SGD11.83 USD9.71 RMB67.23 MYR19.92 / SGD9.46 / USD7.77 / RMB53.78
Weight :150 g
Genre :Comedy / Love , Modern , Others ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Chinese/ Mandarin , Malay ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Innoform Media (M) Sdn Bhd ,

aSet against the background of Petaling Street in 1908, Petalinf Street Warriors tells the story of a pair of married couple, Shi Duyao (Mark Lee) and Zhung Lichun (Yeo Yann Yann), who operate a Hokkien mee stall in Petaling Street, where they suffer from the inefficiency of the colonial government and suppression by the Chinese gangsters. While trying to impress his wife, Duyao encounters a mysterious yet strikingly beautiful kungfu expert, Xiaoju (Chris Tong), who claims that Duyao is a descendant of the missing Emperor Jianwen of the Ming Dynasty. To stop a group of Qing warriors and Japanese ninjas from robbing a treasure map that Duyao doesn't even know he has, Lichun and her cousin, Liu Kun (Namewee), finally reveal their kungfu, turning Petaling Street into the ultimate battleground. Facing enemies of unthinkable powers, could Duyao unravel the mystery of his real identity and come to his wife's rescue just in time?


1908年。史都耀和妻子钟离春在吉隆坡茨厂街经营一个福建面摊,经常面对殖民地警察和两个敌对帮会的勒索。一日,都耀在离春的枕头内找到印玺,爱赌博的他后来竟把它给赌输掉。为了向老婆证明他是一个顶天立地的男子汉,都耀召集了左邻右舍来自组自强会,却在妙趣横生的过程中,结识了一个神秘的美女高手小菊 。奇怪的是,小菊指都耀为明朝建文帝的子孙,而深藏不露的离春和陈坤也在这时显露了高强的武功。后来来自日本和满清朝廷的高手开始云集茨厂街,欲抢夺连都耀自己都不知道存在的藏宝图。面对这些武林高手和虎视眈眈的英国政府,都耀到底能不能解开自己的身世之谜,并搭救一直默默保护他的老婆呢?

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