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30Mar2025 - 06:54 47 AM
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Homerun 跑吧孩子 DVD
Code : 9555186364015
Price : MYR19.90 SGD9.45 USD7.76 RMB53.73 MYR15.92 / SGD7.56 / USD6.21 / RMB42.98
Weight :200 g
Staring :李创锐 , 郑智允 , 洪赐健 ,
Genre :Comedy / Love ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :Cantonese , Chinese/ Mandarin ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Speedy Video Distributors Sdn Bhd ,

Set in 1965 before Singapore gained independence from the Federation of Malaya, Homerun is the story of Ah Kun a 10-year-old school boy in an old village, and his younger sister, Seow Fang. Their mother is pregnant and is too weak to work; their father earns a meagre salary doing odd jobs and is behind on the rent.
One day, Ah Kun loses his sister's shoes while running an errand. Devastated, he asks her not to tell their poverty-stricken and frustrated parents. But how will she get to school without her shoes?
The siblings strike a deal. Seow Fang will wear Ah Kun's shoes to school in the morning, then run home so that Ah Kun can go to school in the afternoon. But Seow Fang finds getting back on time rather difficult, and Ah Kun is soon in trouble at school. Meanwhile, their father is looking for more lucrative work, and decides to try his luck as a deliveryman in the affluent quarter of the city.
Complications ensue until Ah Kun comes across a cross country race for school boys where the third prize is a pair of new shoes.
The story is set against a historical backdrop at the birth of a nation. While Ah Kun sees the solution of his problem in winning the race, uncertainty of the future looms in the minds of the people. Can they call this country their home?

阿坤和小黑等人是一群喜爱踢球的乡村孩童。倒霉的阿坤在一个偶然的情况下把妹妹小芳(郑智允饰)的鞋子弄不见,为了不让本来已经很多经济问题的爸爸妈妈担心,妹妹决定不告诉父母,但是要哥哥尽快解决问题。阿坤因此一时之间面临了两个棘手的问题,一是为自己找一双球鞋,二是为妹妹找回她的鞋。可是阿坤怎样都找不回妹妹的鞋子,只好和妹妹暂时共穿自己仅存的破烂鞋,因为这样,哥哥经常迟到。哥哥凑巧的参加一个越野赛跑,因为第三名的奖品是一双球鞋,哥哥希望用可以拿到这双鞋子送给妹妹作为补偿。就在比赛当天,哥哥面临最严峻的竞赛,没想到在另一边,妹妹也面临另一个更触动人心的挑战…… 简评:本片改编自伊朗得奖国际影片《小鞋子》。梁智强把故事背景改为1965年、独立前后局势动荡不安的新加坡。导演计算准确,融合各种题材味道,让各层次观众各得其所。这个故事要宣扬的,是小孩之间最单纯的爱,有了爱,不管在那里或跟什么人生活在一起,任何一个角落都会充满温情和温馨。当然影片中也摆明了一个事实,每一次的胜利和失败都不是最后的结局,他只不过是另一个比赛的开始,所以,跑吧!孩子…永不停歇!…影片在马来西亚拍摄,小乡镇、乡村景色,以及面恶心善的杂货店老板、豪气的接生婆、循循善诱的华文老师(还是裤头穿到胸下的那类阿叔)、一口印度腔英语的校长、鸡犬之声相闻的淋漓情怀、以及穿短裤的警察,乡土气息和社会背景比较浓烈。 孩子们吵架的口气、内容、用词,很容易让人对号入座,发出会心的一笑(当然,是笑是怒,还得看你的政治立场)。


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