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05Feb2025 - 10:44 48 PM
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ANIME DVD Legend Of The Sea 东海战 (A23)
Code : 6811932000112
Price : MYR12.90 SGD6.13 USD5.03 RMB34.83 MYR10.32 / SGD4.90 / USD4.02 / RMB27.86
Weight :100 g
Director :卓韦宾 ,
Year :2007
Genre :Horror / Thriller / Science Fiction ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :Chinese/ Mandarin ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Audio Format :AUDIO STEREO ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Perniagaan Seri Anjung ,
Producer :ANIME 动漫 ,

At the dawn of time, a mighty dragon rules over weather and water with the mandate of Heaven. Overlord of rain and the seas in the mortal world, the Dragon king of the Eastern Sea reigns supreme in his palace under the waves. Draco the Little Dragon Prince, son and heir to the throne of the Dragon King, is playful and rebellious. In a moment of folly, he steals the Luminous Pearl, the ruler's treasure and source of his power, to play with it. He king's archenemy - who schemes to grab the Pearl and the power it holds. Threatening the prince, his father and all whom he holds dear, Ocho commands General Hermit Crab who leads a fearsome army of swordfish, to attack the palace. thus begins to the little dragon's undersea journey of discovery and redemption to save his father and kingdom, with his friends, Sam the squid, Ping the puffer fish, Star Lee the kungfu-fighting starfish and Museum the all-knowing clam..........

故事里的主角,是东海龙王既顽皮又叛逆的独生子——小龙。自小娇生惯养的它也是王位唯一的继承人。 有一天,贪玩的小龙偷把龙宫的镇山之宝“龙珠”带出去玩时,无意发现恶毒的“三脚怪”的奸计,还被抓了当阶下囚。“三脚怪”的最终目的是要利用小龙勒索东海龙王,换取东海龙宫以及那宝贵的“东海神珠”。


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