Two years after the end of the original Soukyuu no Fafner TV series, Tatsumiya Island and its surviving residents have returned to some semblance of recovery. However, things have become desperate for our hero, Kazuki; nearly blind now, and partially crippled from his battles with the Festum two years earlier, he clings to the promise his fallen friend Soushi made to him to return to the island and set things right again. Kazuki's hopes flare when a lifeform is detected within an unmanned submarine that comes floating into Tatsumiya Bay one night, but the person aboard isn't Soushi; it is a mysterious "boy" named Misao Kurusu who may not be entirely human, and who claims to have been sent by Soushi.
在真壁一骑和皆城总士居住的平静小岛龙宫岛,有一天突然响起了“你在这里吗?”的声音,未知生命体菲斯特姆的侵略开始了。终于,一骑等人得知29年前,由于菲斯特姆的侵略,日本列岛已经不复存在的事实。而龙宫岛实际上是为了救赎人类建造的人工要塞岛,岛上的居住的人都是曾经受到特殊训练的Alvis组织成员。 得知自己深以为生活在和平年代的幻想遭到毁灭性打击的一骑等人被动的卷入了人类和菲斯特姆的生死存亡之战...